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Church locations and service schedules for churches in Pinedale, Big Piney, Marbleton, LaBarge. Farson & Eden, Wyoming

Note: While every attempt has been made for accuracy of the above church information, we suggest you contact the church to verify times and dates for services. Churches can email support@pinedaleonline.comto update their information. Click here for more on local churches

Sunset over Half Moon Lake
Sunset on Half Moon Lake.

[Pinedale Churches] [Big Piney/Marbleton Churches] [Farson/Eden Churches ]

Pinedale Churches
Church of Christ
143 N Sublette, Pinedale - 307-360-7478
Call for times of services

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
221 E North St, Pinedale
Fremont Peak Ward:
Sacrament Meeting: 1:00PM
Sunday School: 2:20PM
Priesthood and Relief Society: 3:10PM
Cub Scouts: Wednesdays at 3:30PM
Boy Scouts: Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Young Men and Young Women Activities: Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Bishop Ryan Linnemeyer: 307-231-4704
Temple Peak Ward:
Sacrament Meeting: 9:00AM
Sunday School: 10:20AM
Priesthood and Relief Society: 11:10AM
Cub Scouts: Wednesdays at 3:30PM
Boy Scouts: Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Young Men and Young Women Activities: Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Bishop Dennis Cramer: 307-367-2654

Church of the Resurrection
Meets at 46 N Franklin Avenue in Pinedale
PO Box 2144, Pinedale - (307) 367-3500
Sunday Services 10:00 am
Sunday School available for children

Emmanuel Baptist Church
1 Gooseberry Circle, Pinedale - (307) 367-6890
PO Box 247, Pinedale, WY 82941
Bible Classes 9:30 am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Summer Sunday Afternoon Service 1:30 pm
Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 6:00 pm
Kids Club (during School year) Wednesday 6:00pm
Pastor Chris Best - 406-381-1465

First Baptist Church
646 N Tyler Ave, Pinedale - (307) 367-4567
Sunday School 9:45 am
Morning Worship 11:00 am
Evening Services 7:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm
Dr. Harold E Asire, Pastor (307) 367-4567

Jehovah's Witnesses
1 Hawken Lane, Pinedale - (307) 367-2690
Sunday services: 10am
Thursday evening: 7:30pm

Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church
112 S Sublette Ave, Pinedale - Rectory (307) 367-2359
PO Box 70, Pinedale, WY 82941
Pastor: Fr. Jason Marco
Saturday Evening Mass: 5.30 p.m
PO Box 70 Weekday Mass:
Monday Mass at Retirement Center: 9:00 am
Tuesday Mass at church: 5:30 pm
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Mass at church: 7:00 am
Younger Children Education: Wednesday 3:30 pm
Older Children Education: Wednesday 6:00 pm

Our Savior's Lutheran Church
512 N Tyler Ave, Pinedale
Ph.#'s Office (307) 367-2612, Parsonage (307) 367-6370
Pastor Kevin Rose
Sundays:7:45-8:45AM Bible Study; 9:00-10:15AM Worship; 10:30AM Youth Bible Study.

Pinedale Bible Church
219 Industrial Site Road, Pinedale - P.O. Box 1063
(307) 367-4168
Sunday Services
Worship Services, 10:30 am
Sunday School, all ages, 9:00 am
Wednesday Services
Children’s Clubs (K-5th), 3:40 – 5:00 pm
Youth Group, 7:00 pm

Plus a full schedule of mid-week Ministries
Pastor Jim Silvey

Pinedale Community United Church of Christ (UCC)
113 South Maybell Ave., Minister Jono Majhanovich
Worship is 10:00 am---3 Sundays a month--and more!
Call for Updates: 307-367-2528
Email Questions:

St. Andrew's In The Pines Episcopal Church
524 W Pine, Pinedale - (307) 367-2674
Sunday Services (Winter), Early Service 9:00 am, full Eucharist at 11:00 AM
Wednesday 12:15 & 6 pm Holy Eucharist

Wilderness Church
110 N Jackson Ave, Pinedale - (307) 749-8478
Sunday Services, 10:30AM

Wind River Baptist Church
115 S Bridger Ave, Pinedale - (307) 367-4344
Sunday School (all ages) at 9 am
Sunday Worship Service 10 am
Pastor Ken Grant

Big Piney-Marbleton, LaBarge Churches

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
2266 Piney Dr, Big Piney - (307) 276-3251
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am
Sunday School 10:20 am
Primary, MIA, Priesthood & Relief Society 11:00 am
Big Piney Ward (307) 276-3251
Bishop Bob Priddis (307-276-4312

Church of St Anne - Big Piney
Mass every Sunday 10:30 am
Rectory (307) 367-2359 Pinedale

Community Congregational Church (NACCC)
410 Black Street, Big Piney - (307) 276 5713
Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 am
Pastor Dick Kalber

Congregation of St. John Church
Meets at Community Congregational Church, 410 Black Street, Big Piney - (307) 276-5713
Sunday Services 9 am
Sunday Church School 9:00 am
Pastor Dick Kalber

Fellowship Baptist Church
Sunday Service:
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Bullfrogs and Butterflies 3:00 p.m.
(for Children K-5)
120 W 3rd Street
LaBarge, Wyoming
Pastor Gary Powell

First Southern Baptist Church
1501 Circle Way, PO Box 575, Big Piney
Pastor-Dr. William Farrington
Sunday Services at 11 am.
Our website, Facebook Page, and Smartphone App have more events and Sermons.
Church (307) 276-3357

LaBarge Christian Center
139 Main Street, LaBarge
Sunday Worship 10:45 am
Pastor Scott Shaw (307) 386-2764 or 390-8453

Peace Lutheran Church
1st Ave. & Winkelman Ave, Marbleton
Ph. #'s Office (307) 276-3843; Parsonage (307) 367-6370
Sundays: 11:15AM Worship; 12:15 Bible Study.
Pastor: Rev. Kevin Rose

Saint Anne's
421 Piney Drive, Big Piney - (307) 276-3227

St. John Episcopal Church
340 Smith Ave. Big Piney
Holy Eucharist service, Sunday at 6:00pm

Truth Ministries
540 Smith Ave, Big Piney - (307) 276-3653

Farson-Eden Churches

The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
4065 Hy 191, Farson - (307) 273-5209
Sacrament Meeting 10:00 am
Priesthood & Relief Society 12:00 pm
Sunday School 11:00 am
Branch President Chris Winward (307) 273-5214
Church in Farson (307) 273-5209

Eden Valley Baptist Church, Independent Fundamental
47 Hwy 28, Farson - (307) 273-9767
Sunday School 10:00 am
Sunday Workshop 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 7:00 pm
Dave Nichols, Pastor

Listing on this page is free for Sublette County Churches. Please contact us to update your information or add a new Church. Pinedale Online! Phone:307-360-7689 or 307-367-6763 (Office Outlet), Copyright 2025. Updated 3/28/2025. All rights reserved. Photo by Pinedale Online.

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