Local Focus
Aftermath of the Half Moon Fire
The Half Moon Lake trail is a favorite of many Pinedale locals and
so we took advantage of last week's beautiful weather to walk the stretch
from the Day Use Area to the inlet of Pole Creek into Half Moon Lake. These
are some pictures of the view from the trail. All in all, the fire stayed
mostly away from the trail and burned in localized pockets above and away
from the lake. There are a couple of short stretches where the fire came
right down to the trail, but didn't cross over. Evidence of the burn is
apparent in just a couple of places and folks who know this trail will
be happy to know it is minimally impacted by the blaze. The fire was well
away from all the Half Moon Resort facilities and none of their views were
affected at all. The Resort personnel did a tremendous job supporting the
fire fighting personnel, shuttling firefighters & equipment to and
from the fire, and making their pontoon boat available as the Command Center.
Half Moon Lake Resort is still there. The fire
came to within about a mile of the Resort.
The fire stayed on the upslope side of the trail
away from the lake.
Some trees were burned right down to the trail,
but most of the burn was away from the trail itself.
This stretch of trail showed the most burn evidence,
but it is a very short stretch.
The osprey nest is still there and the ospreys
are doing fine. The fire came down to the trail a few 100 yards from here.
View from trail looking at Pole Creek inlet to
Half Moon Lake. The meadow was not burned and the picnic spot is still
Sunday, September 24, 2000 highlights:
Much for Fire Season"
Photo by Pinedale Online!
Bridger-Teton Fires
Fire and smoking restrictions have been lifted
on the Bridger-Teton National Forest due to recent rain, snow, and lower
temperatures. Visitors may now have either wood or charcoal campfires.
See www.tetonfires.com for the
most current fire status and information on the Bridger-Teton National
Forest. Backcountry hikers and recreationists are also encouraged to wear
fluorescent orange, along with hunters, for safety during hunting season.
fire situation
Livestock Killings
Area sheep and cattle have been falling prey
to wolves, bears and coyotes over recent weeks. Some of the more recent
grey wolf activity has been in the Gros Ventre area where several sheep,
beef calves and dogs were killed by a wolf pack known to consist of 10
animals. Black bears, grizzlies and coyotes have also been responsible
for several livestock kills in the Upper Green area. Due to the most recent
killings in the Gros Ventre, the USDA Wildlife Service has moved their
control actions from the Upper Green River area to the Gros Ventre to try
and set traps for the pack with plans to remove one wolf from the pack
in order to disrupt their social structure enough so they will have to
regroup and not continue to prey on dogs and cattle.
Pinedale Schools
A recent report by the Legislative Service Office
on the 2000 WyCAS proficiency test results ranks Pinedale schools at 5th
best overall in the state and Big Piney as 28th out of 45 school districts.
The WyCAS test was given to 4th, 8th and 11th graders last spring and rates
students on percentages who scored proficient or above on the tests. The
1999-2000 Sublette County School District #1 Shareholder's Report gave
these statistics on Pinedale (& Bondurant) K-12 Schools for last year:
Graduates Continuing Education: 75% Overall
Pupil Attendance:
Average Pupil/Teacher Ratios: Elementary-15:1
Enrollment: Elementary-287 Middle
School-154 High School-183 Bondurant-5 Total Enrollment-629
Number of Students: Bused Daily-318
Served Lunch Daily-355
ACT Test Composite Scores: Pinedale-23.4
Wyoming-22.7 National-22.0
Staff: Certified-54 Classified Staff-84
Average Teacher Service to District-12.5 years
Teachers with Advanced Degrees-16
Friday, September 22, 2000 highlights:
First Winter Snow
Photo by Pinedale Online!
What a difference a day makes. The hunters will
be happy about the change in the weather and the white flakes that are
drifting down. The first storm of the fall brought snow to much of west
and central Wyoming overnight. While heavier amounts were reported in the
mountains, many of the lower basins and valleys received from 1 to 3 inches.
As we write this update, Big Piney has about 1" on the ground and here
in Pinedale we have about 1/2". Weather forecast is for more snow showers
through Saturday, warming up Sunday-Tuesday.
Pinedale Airport Closed until October 2nd
Pinedale Wenz Field is still undergoing construction
and will be closed until October 2nd. Construction began in late July to
resurface the runway, relocate some of the cross taxiways and upgrade the
lighting system, among other things. Airport personnel are hopeful to be
open for daytime operations in about a week. Nighttime operation won't
be open until after October 2nd once the new lighting system is installed.
Call 307-367-2290 for a recorded message on the current status or 307-537-5211
for more information from the FBO. AWOS weather is available at 307-367-6425.
Hunting Season
Hunting season is open for general deer, limited
quota elk, bear, antelope and sage grouse. Resident and Non-Resident Application
Booklets are now available online on the the Wyoming Game & Fish web
site: Wyoming Game & Fish Web Site
Bridger-Teton Fires
Four new fires were started by lightning on other
areas of the Bridger-Teton National Forest last weekend. The most recent
fires were in the Kemmerer District at Packsaddle Ridge and South Creek,
Whiskey Creek in the Little Greys River area, and at Burnt Ridge near the
Continental Divide. Mop-up crews are currently on those fires. The Forest
cautions backcountry users including hunters, backpackers and anglers that
fire danger remains very high and open fires in the backcountry are prohibited.
Unattended warming fires have been a significant problem this time of year.
Fire danger remained high as of today and fire restrictions remain in effect.
See www.tetonfires.com for the
most current fire status and information. Backcountry hikers and recreationists
are also encouraged to wear florescent orange for safety during hunting
White Pine Ski Area Pre-Season Special
White Pine Ski Area is running a pre-season special
on their season tickets until October 28th. Regular ticket prices are $360
for adults and $285 for dependents. The pre-season price is $285 for adults
and $185 for dependents. Tickets can be purchased at the Ski Shop, now
located at 807 W Pine (the old Grinder's building), or you can mail your
payment to PO Box 1420, Pinedale, WY 82941 and pick up your pass later.
Ski Shop pre-season hours are Friday 5-8 pm and Saturday 10 am-5 pm. The
Ski Area hopes to be open for Thanksgiving.
Friday, Sept.
Hunting season begins
Fall Colors, photo by Pinedale Online!
Hunting season begins this weekend with
Sage Grouse. General deer season opens in most areas today, and limited
elk quotas will open the 20th. Any hunter who harvests a grouse with a
radio transmitter is asked to return the transmitter to the Wyoming Game
& Fish Department as soon as possible. The Game & Fish also is
planning on extending the elk hunting season in portions of hunt area 94
along the Piney Front in the hopes of reducing the elk herd back towards
its population objective. The Pinedale office still has lots of leftover
doe/fawn and cow elk licenses for sale. See the Wyoming Game & Fish
web site for more hunting information: Wyoming
Game & Fish Hunting Information
Bridger-Teton Fire Restrictions
Fire restrictions have been modified on
the Bridger-Teton National Forest to allow the use of enclosed stoves with
approved spark arrestors. Open fires and campfires are still prohibited,
as well as welding or operating a torch with an open flame. Smoking is
permitted only within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation
site, or while stopped in an area at least 3 feet in diameter that is barren
or cleared of all flammable material. Folks with summer homes on the National
Forest can have fires in their wood stoves and fireplaces inside their
PFAC Presents The Coats & Sweet
On Monday, September 18th, the Pinedale Fine
Arts Council once again proudly presents The Coats for
a return engagement to Pinedale at 7:30 pm in the Pinedale Auditorium.
Formerly known as The Trenchcoats, The Coats gave an electric
performance to an enthusiastic crowd here in Pinedale several years ago.
Performing contemporary pop hits, country ballads, jazz, rap, 50's doo-wop
and original music, this incredibly talented a cappella foursome awes audiences
with their musical ability without a single instrument. The opening act
will be Pinedale's own Sweet Harmony!
Snowmobile Grass Drags
The Pinedale Snow Explorers held their Annual
Snowmobile Grass Drags last Saturday near Pinedale. There were 104 entries
from Wyoming, Colorado and Utah with over $2,000 in prize money awarded.
The fastest speed was by Brian Walters of Ogden, Utah at 101 mph.
Dr. Tom Johnston Receives Governor's Award
Dr. Tom Johnston received the Governor's Award
for Excellence for his outstanding contribution to the Standards and Education
in Emergency Medical Services in Wyoming on August 26th at the Wyoming
Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services Association conference in Casper.
Dr. Johnston was the Physician/Medical Director of the Pinedale Emergency
Medical Services for 10 years and has been in medical practice in Wyoming
for 42 years.
Wyoming Rental Vacancy Survey & Sublette
This survey for August, 2000, a collaborative
effort between the State of Wyoming Division of Economic Analysis, the
Wyoming Business Council and the Wyoming Community Development Authority,
provides information about subsidized and market-rate housing throughout
Wyoming. Administered every 6 months, the results for Sublette County show
how tight the rental market is here currently. The report covers the time
period of March-May, 2000. Sublette County reported a 0% vacancy rate overall
for apartments, houses and mobile homes at the time of the survey. Of the
39 units surveyed, the average apartment monthly rental rate was between
$351-$450. The average mobile home rental rate was between $350-$550, and
the average home rental rate was between $551-$650.
Fire Shirts Available
The Half Moon/Triangle fires are over and things
have settled back to normal. Pinedale Online has designed a t-shirt as
a momento of this year's fires. The Half Moon fire was especially unique
because the Command Center was on a pontoon boat in the middle of Half
Moon Lake. Embroidered hats and shirts are also available. Please go to
shirts web page for pictures and more information about ordering.
Friday, September 8th Snowmobile
Grass Drags
Fall Horse Ride
High Wild & Lonesome photo
The Pinedale Snow Explorers will hold their Annual
Snowmobile Grass Drags tomorrow, September 9th, at 10 am, one mile
west of Pinedale. Registration is between 8 am-9am, drags start at 10 am.
Concessions will be available at the track. Bring the family and watch
the fun!
Big Piney Homecoming is this weekend with
festivities starting today with a skit competition at 1:30 pm at the high
school gymnasium. The football game starts at 4 pm versus the Wyoming Indian
Chiefs. At 5 pm the Lady Punchers will meet the Lady Chiefs volleyball
team in the gym. The swim team will hold the Big Piney Invitational at
the high school pool on Saturday at 11 am. Events will close out tomorrow
night with a dance at the school commons at 9 pm to the music of the Mad
Hatters DJs.
Tomorrow, Saturday September 10th, the Green
River Valley Museum in Big Piney will host an open house for
their newly completed building for Mike Thomas' sculpture "Kidnapped."
Also on display will be 100 photos from the upcoming book, "Daniel,
the First 100 Years."
Next Saturday, September 16, everyone is invited
to the 16th Annual Boulder Volunteer Fire Company Open House & Barbecue
from noon until ?? at the Boulder Fire Hall. There will be door prizes,
videos for the kids, horseshoes, beer & pop, and barbecue by Lars.
That evening, at 8 pm, come to the Done Haying Dance to the music
of the Midnight Cowboys. Members get into the dance free, adults cost $2,
families $4.
The Wyoming Game & Fish Department confirmed
that a grizzly bear has killed a total of 20 sheep in the past week
in the Upper Green. Fourteen ewes and six lambs belonging to the Thoman
ranch family were killed by what is believed to be a full-grown adult
male. Attempts to trap the bear have so far been unsuccessful. According
to the Pinedale Ranger District and the local Game & Fish Department
today there have not been been any reports of bear-human conflicts. Both
agencies caution outdoors visitors to properly store food and keep a clean
Hunters who are concerned about the effects
of recent fires on hunting opportunities can find out more information
from the Game & Fish web site at http://gf.state.wy.us.
The Pinedale Ranger District says they are still finding people building
fires. No campfires are allowed anywhere, in campgrounds or the back country
of the wilderness. Fire danger is EXTREME. There is currently an
open fire restriction on all of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Liquid
fuel only is allowed. Go to
for more information about wild fires on the Bridger-Teton National Forest
and Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks.
Monday, September 4th
School starts tomorrow...Leaves starting to
turn... High country gets some snow
The best view of town
Pinedale Online photo
School starts tomorrow for Pinedale K-12 students.
Sports activities have already begun. Last Friday, the Pinedale Wrangler
football teamplayed against the Big Piney Punchers, losing 23-0. The Pinedale
Lady Wrangler volleyball beat Big Piney in two, 15-9 and 15-5. Visit the
Big Piney web site for pictures and more information about these games.
evening, Pinedale residents were drawn to the sky by a hum flying near
town. Looking like a combinaton between a paraglider and an ultralight,
the colorful "powered parachute" is owned by Jay Fear, of Pinedale,
who has had it for about 2 months now. Powered by a modified snowmachine
engine, it can fly up to approximately 26 miles per hour and can take off
in 40-100'.
"But it doesn't have any brakes," said Jay, so plenty
of landing
room is essential, like this open field outside of Pinedale. Besides recreational
flying, Jay uses the Six Chuter 2000 to help move cows on the ranch. After
flying, Jay just stuffs the chute into a big black bag and drives home
to his house a couple of blocks away.
Over the weekend, the high country in the Wind
River Mountains got a dusting of snow above about 10,000 feet. The
recent shower activity has done a lot to settle the wild fires down all
across the region. Our fires are being called 100% contained, and all areas
that were closed because of them have now re-opened. All trails and trailheads
into the wilderness in the Wind River Range are currently open. Visitors
are still cautioned that they enter the wilderness area at their own risk,
and are advised to be very alert to escape routes should new fires start
near them. The Pinedale Ranger District says they are still finding folks
building fires to stay warm. No campfires are allowed anywhere, in
campgrounds or the back country of the wilderness. Fire danger is EXTREME.
There is currently an open fire restriction on all of the Bridger-Teton
National Forest. Liquid fuel only is allowed.
Go to www.tetonfires.com
for more information about wild fires on the Bridger-Teton National Forest
and Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks.
