Family Fishing

Soccer Baseball

Talking with Friends

Picnic Tables
Pinedale Town Picnic & Fireworks
by Clint Gilchrist
July 4, 2004
According to local historian, Ann Noble, 2004 not only marks the 100th anniversary of the Town of Pinedale, but is also the 100th anniversary of the Pinedale Town Picnic. Every year on July 4th, the Town puts on a free picnic at the Bud Skinner Memorial Park by Pine Creek, providing hamburgers, hot dogs and pop. Residents bring salads and desserts to share. As usual, several hundred citizens of all ages attended this year. The kids fished in the Kid's Fishing Pond, played on the playground equipment, and enjoyed an impromptu game of soccer baseball. The adults brought their lawn chairs and relaxed with friends catching up on old stories and watching the kids play. This is likely much the same as it has been for 100 years.
Pinedale does not have a big July 4th celebration because the next weekend is always Green River Rendezvous Days, which brings thousands of people to town for the four day celebration. In addition, Big Piney, Pinedale's close neighbor just 35 miles south, puts on their big party of the year, Chuchwagon Days, on the 4th of July. Chuckwagon Days is a 2 day event that draws people from all over the county and brings back many alumni. The 4th of July in Pinedale is celebrated by the annual picnic and a fireworks display at dark.
Pinedale is planning a centennial celebration on the weekend of September 25, 2004 to coincide with Founder’s Days. Activities are still being planned. However, there will be a lecture on the town's history, tours of the Pinedale Historic District, and dedication of the Pinedale Historic District with a bronze sign. To top it off, that same weekend the Pinedale High School football team will host their biggest rival, Big Piney, on Friday afternoon.
It is also hoped the new book being written by Ann Noble, "Pinedale the First 100 Years", will be finished and released by that time. The Sublette County Historical Society provided funding and hired Ms. Noble to write a book.