Alea Orsega
Some of the kids took hard falls, but they were tough! Alea after sheep riding.

Kyle Choate
Kyle hangs on for a wild ride during bareback.
Little Buckaroo Rodeo
Sublette County Fair
by Pinedale Online
August 3, 2006
The Little Buckaroo Rodeo was held Wednesday night at the Sublette County Fair. Children from 4 to 12 years old competed in bareback riding, calf roping, calf riding, sheep riding, stick horse barrels, and goat tail tying.
There were so many contestants the stick horse barrels and goat tail tying were run in a separate arena next to the main arena at the same time as the riding and roping events.
We have attempted to accurately name the participants in the photos, but if we have made a mistake, please let us know and we can correct the error.
The rodeo was announced by Dave Stephens. Judges were Saul Bencomo and Dusty Hoffman. Clowns were Tanner Bates and Parker Greenwood. Stock was provided by CT Rodeo and Livestock. _________________________
Donors for the Little Buckaroo Rodeo included: Daniel Junction, First American Title Company, Alpine Publishing, Callaghan Cabinets, EOG Resources, Inc., LaBarge Trucking, Barney Ranches, Sublette Examiner, Black Horse Construction Inc, First National Bank of Pinedale, SOS Well Services, Bill and Sandra Milleg.
Editor's note: Donor businesses shown hotlinked above are also Pinedale Online sponsors, who help make it possible for us to do these extensive photo gallery stories. Please thank all these sponsors for their support of the Little Buckaroo Rodeo! Additional photos of the Little Buckaroo Rodeo can be found on Tara Bolgiano's Blushing Crow Photography website, www.blushingcrow.com
Photos by Dawn Ballou and Clint Gilchrist of Pinedale Online.