According to Paul Taylor’s website (www.paultaylor.ws) the didjeridoo /didjeridu / didgeridoo or Yidaki is an Aboriginal wind musical instrument traditionally played in the tropical north of Australia. It is generally a trunk of a eucalyptus tree that has been eaten out by termites. The trunk is cut down, the bark scraped off, the inside cleaned out and shaped and a mouthpiece of beeswax may be applied. Often the didjeridoo is then painted with clan or family designs. It is played mostly with a loose lip buzz and circular breathing.
Artists in Residence School Performance
Students in Pinedale Schools have a cultural experience
by Pam McCulloch
February 13, 2007
Wyoming’s Poet Laureate, David Romtvedt, spent a three-week-long residency in the Pinedale Elementary School and High School, brought by the Pinedale Fine Arts Council. Romtvedt spent one week with the 3rd grade, one week with 4th grade and one week with sophomores in the High School.
On Friday, February 9, Romtvedt, resident artist Paul Taylor, students, teachers and parents came together for a final performance of all that they'd learned at the Pinedale schools over the past three weeks.
"It's great that these gentlemen are able to come into a school system like Pinedale and completely immerse themselves, giving students a cultural experience like no other and one they definitely won't forget," said Tim Ruland of the Pinedale Fine Arts Council.
Photos by Pam McCulloch, Pinedale Online!