Health and Physical Education teacher, Jarlath Mortenson, encouraged the kids to get their heart pumping.

Ropin Wranglers
Ropin' Wranglers perform a cheer for the crowd.

Double Jump
These two boys used one jump rope at the same time.

During recess students participated in jumping activites.

Group Jump
A group of Ropin' Wranglers did a group jump.

This Ropin Wrangler gives a wave to the audience.

5 Girls 1 Rope
Five girls one jump rope - Wow!

Ropin Wranglers Jump
Ropin' Wranglers in the Wrangler gym

Many different forms of jump roping were performed.

Jumping High
Several smaller groups of the Ropin' Wranglers performed.

Jump Line
Sharing ropes and jumping in a line was one of the tricks performed.

Some of the younger students preferred alternative jump
roping styles.

Lighting Up
This jumper's shoes lit up as he jumped.

All the students enjoyed oranges after they jumped.

After P.E. class students were able to pick a prize to celebrate a healthy heart.

Health and Physical Education teacher, Jarlath Mortenson,
gives her 5th graders a hug after the performance.

Class Winners
Mrs. Walker's class raised the most money and won a field trip to Jackson recreaton center.