Horse Creek Fire Flames
View of flames from the Horse Creek Fire as seen from the Jewett Elk Feedground on Monday, JUne 25th. Photo by Allene Dana.

Hot Spot
View of flames from the Horse Creek Fire on Monday night, June 25th. Photo by Dave Bell.
Horse Creek Fire at 3000 acres
No structures threatened
by Pinedale Online!
June 26, 2007
Click on these links for more stories and photos about this fire: June 2007 News Story Archive Friday, June 29 Back Burn Photos (10 photos) Thursday, June 28 Horse Creek Fire Photo Gallery (7 photos) Tues & Wed, June 26 & 27 Horse Creek Fire Photo Gallery (30 photos) Saturday, June 23 Horse Creek Fire Photo Gallery (38 photos) ____________________________________________
(Big Piney) – Update Tuesday, June 26, 9:00 PM: The Horse Creek Fire increased from 2,200 acres as of noon Tuesday to 3000 acres by 9:00 PM, June 26th. Yesterday the fire was at 1200 acres. The fire is burning in the Wyoming Range on the Big Piney District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, 8-miles west of Merna, approximately 20 miles west of Daniel.
Gusty winds and dry humidities combined to fan the blaze and put dense smoke into the air on Tuesday. Spot fires started more than 1/4 mile ahead of the main front of the fire, spreading the fire to the east and southeast. A Type II Incident Management Team took over the fire at 6:00 AM Tuesday morning.
The photos on this page are the fire from different views from Monday and Tuesday, June 25 and 26. Allene Dana's photos were taken from the Jewett Elk Feed Ground, near the fire. Dave Bell's night photos were taken from over 30 miles away, looking from Pinedale. "Those are some big flames from 30 miles away," he said. He used his 400mm lens to get the shots. The daytime smoke photo was taken by Dawn Ballou Monday afternoon as seen from just north of Marbleton near Hwy 351. The Pinedale webcam view was taken Tuesday evening around 9 PM showing the smoky sunset over Pinedale. The Pinedale webcam is sponsored by Wolf Dodge and Pinedale Online.
The fire is 10% contained. There are approximately 217 fire personnel assigned to the fire. These include 11 engines from US Forest Service, Sublette County and National Park Service. There are three helicopters: a Type I, Type II, and Type II; four Type I hand crews with two more arriving today; four Type II hand crews; two Sublette County dozers; a watertender; and various overhead.
There are no structures threatened by this fire. The Horse Creek Road is closed to all but authorized fire personnel.
The cause of the Horse Creek fire is still under investigation. For more information, visit www.inciweb.org
For more of Dave's photos from the Horse Creek fire, click on this link to his photo gallery: Dave Bell Scenic Photos