High School Basketball Scores
Pinedale vs. Big Piney
January 9, 2008
Pinedale vs Big Piney game played on Tuesday, January 8 in Big Piney:
Boy’s Varsity: Pinedale 94, Big Piney 64
Girl’s Varsity: Pinedale 54, Big Piney 19* (corrected)
Thank you to Conor Raney for score updates.
*Editor's correction: We have two corrections. We got the Girl's Varsity score switched when we posted this story late last night. Pinedale Girl's beat Big Piney. We called the high school to confirm the score, and it has been corrected from 54-20 to 54-19 as the final score. Thank you to the readers who contacted us about the Girl's score, and our apologies for the errors. With web, we can fix mistakes quickly, so thank you for letting us know!