Long icicles
It has to be "warm enough" to snow, around freezing temperatures. If conditions are right for a bit of melting, it can make for really long icicles that refreeze and grow.

In the winter of 2004, the snowmobiling was great everywhere. Off-trail riding was awesome, except for the occasional crash part. March 2004 photo. Photo by Alan Svalberg.

Blowing Snow
At times, blowing snow can create white-out conditions making it near impossible to see the lines on the highway to stay on the road. When it gets too bad, the highway department may close the road to travel. This photo is of US 191 coming into Pinedale in March, 2007. Photo by Cat Urbigkit.

Moose Alert
It is not uncommon for wildlife to share our lawns in the winter. You have to be careful sometimes when opening your front door and coming face to face with deer or moose. March 2004 photo.

Zack Inverted
Each winter, White Pine Ski Area & Resort hosts the "White Pine Freestyle" Intermountain division USSA Mogul and Aerial/Big Air Competitions. This is Zack Thompson on the big jump in January, 2006.

Snow Plow Driver deeds
This is why the Town asks people to move their cars off the street and alley rights-of-way so they can plow during the winter. Those who don't move their cars can find them buried in the path of the snowplow, either waiting until spring to refind it or spending a lot of hard work to dig it out. This photo was from the February 2004 snow storms in Pinedale.

Going Vertical
This is Shawn Lanning from a snowmobile trip up Horse Creek in March, 2004. Photo by Alan Svalberg.

Heart 2 Heart SnoCross 2006
The Heart 2 Heart Snocross race is held each winter in Bondurant on the Norris and Layne Brown property. In this photo from January 2006, Andrew Findlay gets some air. The Bondurant Elementary School is in the background.

Big Snow, Big Fish
Everything might seem way out of proportion in this photo! The big fish is the angle looking at the back side of Faler's General Store (now Ridley's). The truck is dwarfed by the snow pile next to the corner by Rendezvous Pointe Senior Center. This was from the February 2004 winter snow season.

Wyoming Winter highway
Scott Almdale took this photo of a snow-covered highway in February 2007. This snowy road gives the appearance of a roller coaster ride. Scott descrbed it as, "A scenic county road in Sublette County. I think all county roads in Sublette County should be designated as national scenic roads!"

Taylor Dyess
Taylor Dyess (69X), from Pinedale, during the Junior Novice snocross, Heart 2 Heart Snocross race in Bondurant, January 2006.

Kim Brokling Skiing
Arnold Brokling and his daughter Kimberly went cross-country skiing on the trail out of Elkhart Park in December 2005, taking advantage of the fresh powder in the mountains. Photo by Arnold Brokling.

Bull Elk
These bull elk were seen near the road between Pinedale and Jackson in January 2006. Photo by Green River Outfitters.

Jordanne Steege
Each winter, the Sublette County Ski & Snowboard Club holds the Sonny Korfanta Giant Slalom Ski Race at White Pine Ski Area & Resort. Here, Jordanne Steege races down the course in the February 2007 event. Photo by Monte Skinner.

Snow up to the door
Getting from the house to the woodpile can be a challenge in heavy snow years. Photo from February 2004.