8-Hour Ozone Averages
8-Hour Ozone Averages for Tuesday, March 11, 2008 for 5 air quality monitoring stations in and near the Upper Green River Valley (partial day readings). Note: Wyoming DEQ Maximum Allowed Ambient Air Quality Standard for 8-hour Ozone average is 84 ppb (.08 ppm).
Monitoring the Ozone Advisory: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
March 11, 2008 | Modified March 12, 2008
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) issued the third Ozone Advisory in two weeks for the Upper Green River Valley in Sublette County, the latest for Tuesday, March 11th. The other advisories were on Monday, March 10th and Wednesday, February 27th.
Children, the elderly and people with existing respiratory conditions should limit strenuous or extended outdoor activities, especially in the afternoon and evening.
Pictured here are graphs of the One Hour Average and 8-Hour Averages for part of Tuesday, March 11. Data is taken via manual monitoring of the WYDEQ website for the Jonah, Boulder and Daniel air quality monitoring stations.
After noticing a spike in the Ozone readings around mid-day, we started including data for Murphy Ridge and South Pass beginning at 2:30 PM today for comparison purposes of possible drift-in Ozone. Note that WYDEQ says this data is unofficial until it is quality control checked. WYDEQ currently has no historical data available on display on their air quality monitoring webpages, so this data has been derived by Pinedale Online via frequent checking of data from these reporting stations.
The Maximum Allowed is 84 ppb over an 8-hour time period. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently has no One-hour Ozone standard.
EPA will announce National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone at a press teleconference on Wednesday, March 12. At this time we do not know if that means they will announce any new standards or changes in the current Ozone standards. ______________________________ Reader’s Comments: 3/11/08: “I wanted to thank the person that is posting the graphs online - I have also been keeping track of this at home. I encourage people to call the DEQ and let them know of their concerns. There has to be a better system of alerting people in town and the surrounding areas. Not everyone has a computer or can listen to the radio 24/7. I should think people with either young children or seniors in their family should especially be concerned and speak out - so should the rest of the general population and workers out in the field. Thank you again for posting this info online.” -Anna, Sublette County
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