Hair & Make Up
Jaclyn Nelson has her hair done backstage before the show.

Mrs. Linden, played by Carmen Hittle, shows off her jewelery.

Getting Ready
May Rose Huntley practices her facial expression while curling her hair just before the show.

Mariner & McLaughlin
Lawyer Seth Miller-played by Brad Mariner, and Furber-the Butler, have the opening scene in the show.

On Stage
Millionaire Playboy, Barry Hollis, is played by Dylan Nelson. He shares a scene with Mrs. Sue Hollis, his aunt, played by Evelyn Schultz.

Neal & Anderson
Barry Hollis-played by Dylan Nelson, and June Hollis-played by Penni Jo Anderson, are brother and sister in the show.

Carmen Hittle
Carmen Hittle plays Mrs. Linden.

Judy Wigginton
Kathleen, the Cook, is played by Judy Wiggintton.

Hittle & Huntley
The Linden Mother-Daughter team, played by Carmen Hittle and May Rose Huntley, are very funny.

May Rose Huntley
May Rose Huntley plays Patsy Linden.

Crazy Ralph
Ralph Sanders, the man with a purpose, is played by Ben Crosland.

Crosland & Wigginton
Ben Crosland and Judy Wigginton don't hold back.

Nelson & Vavold
Dylan Nelson and Preslie Vavold are both students at Pinedale High School.

Whose Baby?
Barry Hollis gets caught in a web of lies.