April 28 organizational meeting for Peaceful Protest
Protesting gas drilling expansion until appropriate practices are in place first
April 28, 2008
Concerned citizens are holding an organizational meeting on Monday, April 28th, for a planned “Peaceful Protest” on the Pinedale Anticline. The organizational meeting will be at the Pinedale Library at 6:00 PM.
The protest is scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 4th from Noon until 2:00 PM.
The peaceful "sit-in" will be out on the Mesa, south of Pinedale, on site next to one of the production reserve pits out on the Pinedale Anticline. The BLM has been made aware of this event. Parking has been worked out so no trespassing concerns will be an issue. This event is not sponsored by a specific group, but by a diverse group of local citizens.
It is open to local Sublette County concerned citizens, students and parents who wish to use this opportunity to send a strong, collective message to the gas industry operators about local citizen concerns for the future quality of the air, water, wildlife and community in Sublette County.
For more information or to inquire about participating, contact Elaine at 307-367-4542 or email windrivere@wyoming.com.