Fire at 7:00 PM
James and Kathy Thomas sent in this photo of the fire as seen from Hwy 352, just south of Cora near the gravel pit, around 7PM on Tuesday. Photo by Kathy Thomas.

Fast-Moving fire
"Here is another one that Kathy took, same location as before. This one shows flames popping up, again in broad daylight, going up a ridge to the south of the previous picture. These pictures were taken just a few minutes apart. Shows how fast the fire was moving." - James Thomas (7PM Tuesday evening)

Fire at 4:20 PM
Dave Bell snapped this shot of the fire around 4:20 PM on Tuesday.

Fire around 3:20 PM
"Here are some pictures I took off my front deck at 3:20." Colleen Weber, Tuesday, July 29.

Fire at 3:20 PM
"I can see flames from my house." Colleen Weber, photo taken around 3:20 PM Tuesday.

New Fork Fire 2:11 PM
New Fork fire around 2:11 PM, as seen from Pinedale. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM.

New Fork Fire - 2 PM
New Fork fire as of 2:00 pm Tuesday afternoon, July 29. View looking south from the Upper Green area. Pinedale is approximately 15 miles away, behind the smoke. The Circle S ranch is visible at the very lower right corner of the picture. Photo by Judy Anderson.

New Fork Fire 1:30 PM
New Fork Fire 1:30 PM
New Fork Fire View of fire as seen from Orcutt Hill in Pinedale around 1:30 PM on Tuesday. This view is looking northwest. The fire is approximately 15 miles north, on the west side of the Wind River Mountains. Photo courtesy Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM.
Fire near New Fork Lake
Approximately 1150 acres in size
by Pinedale Online!
July 29, 2008
A wildfire was reported near New Fork Lakes a little after 1:00 PM on Tuesday. A large column of smoke is visible as far away as Big Piney. Firefighters from the Forest Service and Sublette County volunteer fire departments are responding. We'll post updates as we receive them. Thank you to Bob Rule/KPIN, Judy Anderson, Dave Bell, Kathy and James Thomas, and Tara Bolgiano/Blushing Crow Photography for sending in their photos of the fire.
Updates for this fire can be found on Inciweb at: http://www.inciweb.org/incident/1440/ _________________________________
11:50 PM: We've added three new photos of the fire. Two were sent in by Colleen Weber showing a view of the fire around 3:20 PM from her front porch in the Upper Green, north of the fire. (Thank you to Bob Rule, KPIN, for his assistance with her photos.) Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography, sent in a spectacular night shot of the fire. _________________________________
9:45 PM: We've added two new photos of the fire, sent in by Kathy and James Thomas, showing a view from just south of Cora on Hwy 352 around 7:00 PM Tuesday evening. _________________________________
7:12 PM: Bridger-Teton National Forest media release: Fire grows to 1150 acres
(Pinedale, Wyo) – The fire near New Fork Lakes, approximately 19 miles north of the town of Pinedale, Wyoming, grew this afternoon to 1150 acres. Forest Officials are ordering additional resources to help combat the blaze. There are presently no structures threatened and no road or trail closures associated with this fire. The cause of the fire is not yet determined.
The world of fire suppression is changing. Fire seasons are longer and fire behavior often more extreme. The primary reasons for these changes are due to weather changes, the abundance of fuels on the Forest and the increase in structures in the areas close to the Forest borders known as the Wildland Urban Interface area.
Traditional means of containing fires are changing. More often, firefighters use multiple tactics on a single incident such as confining and containing a fire to a particular area, while continuing to provide protection at specific points. Under the Interagency Wildland Fire Policy, fire managers have available a full range of options from monitoring a fire to aggressive suppression tactics.
Forest Officials will continue to work on the fire throughout the evening. The Incident Command Post is being established near the southeastern side of New Fork Lakes. For more information, visit www.inciweb.org _________________________________
4:30 PM: The New Fork Lake road is being blocked just before the Boy Scout Camp, and the Willow Lake road is being blocked at the forest boundary (unofficial). The public is asked to please stay out of the area so they don't get in the way of the firefighting efforts. At present, there are no evacuations or campground facilities threatened by the fire, according to Forest Service officials. The fire is approximately 3 miles east of the Boy Scout camp and one mile east of the Narrows campground, on the south side of the lake. At last report the fire was burning in a northeast direction into the Bridger Wilderness. A Type III Incident Management team is ordered for this fire. _________________________________
3:55 PM: Officials are in the process of blocking traffic on the New Fork Lake road and on the Willow Creek road near the Forest boundary for public and emergency responder safety (unofficial). We just got a more precise location description: T36N, R109W, SW corner of Section 7. That puts it on National Forest land on the southeast end of the lake, about 3 miles as the crow flies east of the Boy Scout camp, 1 mile directly east of the Narrows campground. The fire is burning east into the Bridger Wilderness. It is putting up a large column of smoke visible for a long distance. No facilities are threatened at this time. Sublette County volunteer firefighters from Pinedale, Daniel and Kendall Valley are assisting with six units, along with Forest Service firefighters. Approximately 100 firefighters are presently working on this fire. _________________________________
2:37 PM: Forest Service media release: Fire at New Fork Lake
Pinedale, Wyo. – A fire is burning 19-miles north of the town of Pinedale, Wyoming on the Bridger-Teton National Forest near New Fork Lakes. The fire is reported at 40 acres and is presently moving into the Bridger Wilderness area. There are no road or trail closures associated with this fire and the cause of the burn is unknown.
There are currently about 100 Sublette County and Forest Service fire personnel working on the fire. The fire is burning bug killed trees in the area and there is no estimate on when the fire will be contained. The fire danger for the Forest is rated as High, which means fires start easily and spread quickly.
For more information on fires on the Bridger-Teton, visit Inciweb at www.inciweb.org. _________________________________
Update 2:30 PM: Firefighters are staging at the Boy Scout camp on the west side of New Fork Lake.