Infant CPR Kit
Kits come with instructions, a video, and a mannequin for practice.
Infant CPR kits offered
25 families with babies can get the free kit to learn American Heart Association Infant CPR
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
May 27, 2009
Families with infants are being offered a great opportunity that could potentially save their baby’s life in the event of an emergency.
American Heart Association CPR Awareness Week is the first week in June, In association with this, local sponsors are offering free infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) kits to 25 families in Sublette County with infants under the age of one year. CPR is an emergency medical procedure for a victim of sudden cardiac arrest (stopping of the heart), or in some circumstances, respiratory arrest (stop breathing). People trained in CPR learn how to create artificial blood circulation through a combination of chest compressions and breathing into the mouth of the victim to get oxygen into their body. The concept is to keep the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart to extend the window of succeessful resuscitation without permanent brain damage. CPR can maintain a victim until professional medical services arrive with equipment to restart the victim's heart and get them to a hospital. Participating families will get a kit and video that contains everything they need to learn the correct way to do infant CPR. The families get to keep the kit. The training takes about an hour and ˝ and can be done at home. If families wish to have professional help with the training, arrangements can be made to have it done at one of the county EMS facilities (Pinedale, Big Piney or Sand Draw ambulance buildings) from an AHA Instructor.
The idea is to have the parents get trained first, then pass the kit on to grandparents and other family members who have care responsibilities for the infant. "Our goal is to train 25 families for free in Sublette County with infants under one year," said AHA Instructor Aimee Binning.
The program is being sponsored locally through financial support from the Bank of Sublette County and CVC Training. Each kit costs $35. Any local business that would like to make a donation to help sponsor this program and more kits available for the families contact Aimee at the number below.
At present the infant kits are only available in English. If there is a Spanish-speaking family who would like to learn infant CPR, Aimee can order an adult/child anytime course kit with a mannequin for their use.
For more information contact Aimee at 307-231-2172.