Silver Haired Bubbas
The "Silver Haired Bubbas", representing ExxonMobil, won the Judge's All Around Pick for 1st Place for their Buttermilk Pie. From L to R: (Matthew Harris not part of the team), Jerry Harris, Brent
Fowler and Bill Blair.

A Woman's Work
AWW Treasurer Jennifer Meeks stands in front of the donor wall for A Woman's Work. All the women listed on the wall behind her contributed $100 in 100 days in 2008 to raise the seed money for the organization.

"A Woman’s Work is a privately funded and supported organization that helps needy women, children and families of Sublette County School District #9."

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Men’s Cook-off and Redneck Ball
Benefit for A Woman's Work
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
May 11, 2009
A Woman’s Work (AWW) held their 1st Annual Men’s Cook-off and Redneck Ball at the Sublette County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 9th. Men showed off their culinary skills to help raise money and awareness for the organization. The public paid $20 for entrance and the opportunity to go around the room and try samples of the different delights. The categories included main dishes, appetizers and desserts. There were prizes awarded for the People’s Choice winners, as well as for Judges’ Choice and Best Overall. Live music was provided by the band "Drive".
A Woman’s Work is a privately funded and supported organization that helps women, children and families of Sublette County School District #9. The group began in January, 2008, with the desire to help women in need. They started with the challenge to get 100 women to donate $100 each in 100 days. They achieved their goal in under 100 days. They use the money to help women with dire needs that aren’t met by other resources in the community. All they ask in return is that the woman they help performs an act of kindness within 60 days.
In 2008 they approved 17 grants for assistance amounting to $16,735.95. Community partners donated another $9,509, making the grand total $26,244.95.
In 2008, EnCana granted AWW a total of $10,000 to help with both operational costs and grants. The Upper Green River Sustainable Community Fund (UGR) of the Wyoming Community Foundation granted AWW $16,000.
For more information about A Woman’s Work, contact LaVonne Stevens at 307-276-3461 or e-mail AWW@centurytel.net, address: PO Box 435, Big Piney, WY 83113
AWW Board of Directors Carrie Budd, Kari Comstock, Nancy Espenscheid, Darlene James, Brandi Johnston, Jennifer Meeks, Joan Mitchell, Angie Smith, Mame Smith. Executive Director: LaVonne Stevens Assistant to the Director: Debbie Thompson
AWW Partners Church of St. Anne, Community Christian Church, Community Congregational Church, Community Home care, Food Closet, Green Pastures, Kickin’ Cancer, Pregnancy Resource Center of Sublette County, SAFV (Substance Abuse & Family Violence Task Force), Sublette County Senior Center
freakin h2o haulers: Ed Mackey, Phil Smith
Bacon Busters: Bartie Bray, John Marx, Kurt Meeks
Silber-haired Bubba’s: ExxonMobil – Jerry Harris, Brent Fowler, Bill Blair
Moondance: Dustin Sims, Matt Brady
Moose Jaw Consulting Darren Davison, Ron Davison
Redneck Badgers: Kevin Hughes, Mike Hughes, Brent Wright, Keith Hughes, Scott Dimit, Rod Gall
SOS Well Service:: Ben Jenkins, Nick Taylor
EnCana: Todd Stapleton, John Richter, Kirk Hoover, Ron Clark, Glen Wicker, Greg Garrison
Café on Pine and Cowboy Shop: Chris McReynolds
Diamond Energy: Woody Studt, Matt Forman
Not so hot Chili Peppers: Shell Exploration - Mark Burges, Allen Darbonne, Mike Harris
Waltons: Kevin Walton, Kip Walton
Mud Slingers: Mark Engel, Dave Wilson
James Gang: Frank James, Tim Jordan
Northern Lights: Troy May, Brian Knotts
Photos by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!