Skate Skiing
Skate-Skiing on Upper Skyline Drive. Photo courtesy Bob Barrett, Pinedale Ski Education Foundation.
Pinedale Nordic Ski Grooming Report, December 23
by Bob Barrett, Pinedale Ski Education Foundation
December 23, 2009
Skyline Drive beyond the upper Fremont Lake Overlook remains the only game in town this week for groomed trail cross-country skiing. The road to Elkhart Park is being groomed with the snowmobile drag every few days for multiple-use by skiers, snowshoers and snowmachiners. Snow conditions for both skating and classic skiing are good for most of the route but more snow is needed on the lower section before the PistenBully can be used to groom here again. The distance to the Elkhart trailhead is 3 1/2 miles with an elevation gain of nearly 700 feet. It’s a workout getting there but a relaxing downhill glide back to the parking area one mile beyond the turnoff to White Pine. Grooming on Skyline Drive will continue until adequate snowfall is received on the lower designated trail system. We’ll need far more snow before grooming can begin around White Pine down to Kelly Park and Halfmoon Lake Overlook. The CCC Ponds ski trails were compacted with the drag last week and are available for very limited ski touring on the bike path.
Nordic ski trail grooming by the Pinedale Ski Education Foundation, in cooperation with the USFS Pinedale Ranger District and the BLM Pinedale Field Office, is funded through the Sublette County Recreation Board.