Going up
Workers go up in the lift to work on the skylights.
Work continues on new Livestock Barn
At the Sublette County Fairgrounds
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
March 27, 2010
Construction is proceeding on the new livestock barn at the Sublette County Fairgrounds, north of Marbleton.
The new building takes up two acres, just north of the Ag Arena building. The 80,000-square-foot building will have areas for beef, hogs and swine. The building measures 400 feet by 200 feet. It will have three sets of bathrooms, a concession area, storage room and an office. The inside floor of the building will be dirt.
Construction on the livestock barn began last fall, in October. The building is about 70% complete now. The building should be finished and ready to use in late July, in time for the Sublette County Fair. The facility has the potential to be used for a variety of special events. The Fairgrounds staff welcomes suggestions from the public on ideas for events.
Groathouse Construction Inc. is the general contractor for the project. This company also built the 5th grade addition in Pinedale for Sublette County School District #1 and the new LaBarge Elementary School.
There are presently about 43 people working on the job. Local contractors were used for concrete, dirt and rock work.
The new barn is being built over the top of the space formerly occupied by an outside horse riding arena. That arena will be rebuilt in the space between the Ag Center and the new livestock barn next month, in April.
The Livestock barn project isn’t the only construction project going on at the Fairgrounds. Another project has been underway all winter to extend sewer, water and natural gas from Marbleton to the Fairgrounds. Everything is scheduled to be completed in time for County Fair, July 29-August 8, 2010.
Photos by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online, taken Tuesday, March 23rd. Thank you to Mark Klein-Groathouse Construction Inc. Frank James-Sublette County Fairgrounds, and Gary Kanski-Sublette County Fair, for their contribution to this article.