'Marketing 2010' April 23
Free Community Conversation Luncheon sponsored by the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
by Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
April 23, 2010
Marketing is more than advertising, it encompasses the entire experience a customer has with your business. Advertising and the customer experience must correlate. "Marketing 2010" will outline how to blend traditional, internet, and social media into a marketing concept that will help you advertise, as well as interact with your customers. In addition, this workshop will introduce creative tactics to create a unique selling position (USP) to integrate all your advertising efforts. Interwoven in the presentation will be tools and ideas to improve the customer experience throughout their interactions with your organization.
At the very least, each participant will gain information about: 1) Low/no cost traditional, internet, and social media marketing tactics 2) Brainstorming a unique selling position (USP) 3) Improving customer experience.
Anyone is welcome to attend this luncheon, just remember to RSVP at the Chamber 307-367-2242.
Friday April 23, 2010 Noon - 2:00 pm Pinedale Library - Lovatt Room Taco Bar for lunch from the WRBC.