Sendday Gutierrez
Sendday Gutierrez is Albert Einstein. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Dylan Ewert
Dylan Ewert is George Washington Carver. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Garret Schamber
Garret Schamber is Paul Revere. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams is Amelia Earhart. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Danny, Blake and Quade
Danny Gosar is Michael Jordan. Blake Illoway is Wayne Gretzky. Quade Saxton is Jeff Gordon. Photos by Laila Illoway.

Hannah LaBuda
Hannah LaBuda is Harriet Tubman. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Josef McCulloch
Josef McCulloch is Muhammad Ali. Photo by Laila Illoway.

Christian Vargas
Christian Vargas dressed as Babe
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Catelyn Hayward
Catelyn Hayward dressed as Betsy
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Denver Broncos
Tegan Pennock dressed as Terrell
Davis and Kade Ziegler dressed as
John Elway.
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Reid Schouboe
Reid Schouboe dressed as George
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Jayden Beam
Jayden Beam dressed as Helen Keller.
Photo by Pam McCulloch

John Foster
John Foster dressed as Lance
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Ashley Rogers
Ashley Rogers dressed as Helen
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Kyle Harper
Kyle Harper dressed as Bret Favre.
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Toby Covill
Toby Covill dressed as John Hancock.
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Darbi Paulson
Darbi Paulson dressed as Susan B. Anthony.
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Danny Gosar
Danny Gosar dressed as Michael
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Alexa Turrell
Alexa Turrell dressed as Ruby
Photo by Pam McCulloch

Justin Sour
Justin Sour dressed as Harry Houdini.
Photo by Pam McCulloch