Lumber for Sublette Afterschool Program community greenhouse project stolen
December 9, 2010
Editor’s Note: Pinedale Online received this Letter to the Editor from Jennifer Anderson, Director of the Sublette Co. 4-H Afterschool program. _____________________________________ Dear Editor, As many of you know, the Sublette County Afterschool Program is working on a community greenhouse project for kids and our town. As the Director of Afterschool, I make it a point to stop by the greenhouses, which are near the new elementary school, to check on them periodically. Recently I visited the site and was extremely discouraged to find that someone had taken 24, 2 x 4s that the Boy Scout Troop members were going to use to build picnic tables for the kids’ and communities’ use. The Pinedale Afterschool participants and volunteers have spent a lot of time working on the greenhouses. If the folk(s) who took the lumber are reading this and would like to "right their wrong" and help the afterschool kids have a Merry Christmas surprise for the greenhouse project, why don’t you return the lumber—no questions asked!
Sincerely, Jennifer Anderson (307-749-4223)