Sublette County Republican Party elects new officers
March 2, 2011
On Tuesday evening, March 1, 2011, the Sublette County Republican Party met in the County Courthouse in the Commissioners meeting room for the purpose of electing new officers for the upcoming two-year term.
Walt Bousman was elected County Chairman.
Lee Martin was elected Vice Chairman.
Bob Rule was elected State Committeeman.
Colleen Martin was selected State Committeewoman.
The positions of Secretary and Treasurer of the Sublette County Republican Party are appointments made by the Chairman. Newly elected Chairman Walt Bousman made the following appointments: Tara Bolgiano – Secretary Eric Marincic – Treasurer
All of these elected and appointed persons will serve a term of two years.
Thank you to Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio for his contribution to this story.