Bridger-Teton National Forest issues holiday fire-safety message
by Bridger-Teton National Forest
June 29, 2011
As the Fourth of July approaches, the Bridger-Teton National Forest reminds visitors and residents that fireworks are not allowed on any Forest land. Using or even possessing fireworks is illegal on the National Forest. Violators could face a fine and/or prison sentence, and anyone responsible for starting a wildfire could be held responsible for the cost of putting it out. "Even though things seem pretty wet still on the Forest, we are starting to dry out. Sparks from a firework or unattended campfire always has the potential to start a major wildfire," said Jacque Buchanan, Forest Supervisor of the Bridger-Teton National Forest
All too often people don’t intend to start wildfires, yet they leave campfires unattended or don’t completely put them out. Bridger-Teton National Forest Fire Education Specialists are visiting campsites throughout the area and are helping to educate campers about how to responsibly tend to campfires.
Although an area may appear green, the danger for fire still exists. "Even though we have had a wet spring, we still need to be careful with campfires on the Forest" said Buchanan. Buchanan reminds visitors to the Bridger-Teton to build their campfires in a safe spot, not to leave them unattended, and to extinguish them completely before leaving the area. Always keep a bucket of water and a shovel nearby. When putting a campfire out, drown it with water, stir with a shovel, and never leave a fire until it is cold to the touch.
"We want everyone to have a great Fourth of July weekend and hopefully, a few of these tips will help keep the weekend safe for everyone," said Buchanan.
The fire danger is currently rated as low. Fire managers consider several factors – including calculated fire indices, moisture content of various fuel types, current and expected weather trends, and fire activity – when rating the fire danger.
Please visit for the most up-to-date fire information in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. To report a fire on the Forest, please call (307) 739-3630