Flipped her over
Within minutes of the start, the 414 car was flipped over. The driver was ok.
Demolition Derby Photo Gallery
Photos by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography
July 25, 2012
The 4th annual Big Piney /Marbleton Volunteer Fire Department Demolition Derby was held on Saturday, July 21st at the Buss Fear Memorial Rodeo Arena at the Sublette County Fairgrounds, kicking off the 2012 Sublette County Fair. This was a Jackpot Demolition Derby with $2,000 added money with the top three places paid.
The event began with the Big Piney/Marbleton fire department bringing in the American flag on a fire engine through the arena while Meagan Doyle sang the National Anthem.
Demolition Derby Winners: 1st: #70, Pat Betello from Rock Springs 2nd: #414, JTC Racing, Tiffany Carver 3rd: #54 Chuck Tipton from Rock Springs While drivers repaired their vehicles between derby heats, spectators enjoyed watching the Four Wheeler Shovel Race. Brave entrants brought their 4-Wheelers and a rider. The shovel and rope was provided. Entry fee was $5 per team. The course was set up like a barrel racing course. Winner took home all the shovel race entry money.
Other competitive fun was the Frozen Tee Shirt Contest. Participants came from the audience. This year the contestants worked into their frozen shirts much more quickly and the winner got his shirt open and on in just a few minutes.
The fire department also made runs into the arena with their t-shirt gun, which always gets the crowd hooting and hollering to send things their way.
For more information, contact Jake Mackey, 307-749-4014, John Ball, 307-260-8203, Vern Setser, 307-260-5462.
Click on this link for more Demolition Derby photos and information on how to order reprints from www.blushingcrow.com Blushing Crow Photography.