Fly tieing class
Fifteen-year-old Jesse McGettrick helps out a guest at The Lodge at Jackson Fork Ranch in Bondurant, Wyoming last summer. Photo courtesy Dan Abrashoff.
For the love of tying flies
by Pinedale Online!
January 19, 2014
Two local Pinedale youth are getting a reputation for being very good at tieing fishing flies.
Last summer, Two Rivers Emporium in Pinedale organized a fly tying class for members of a group staying at the The Lodge at Jackson Fork Ranch in Bondurant, Wyoming. Two Rivers Emporium has partnered with the Lodge for the past several years to provide lodge guest with fly-fishing instruction and trips. This particular group had been coming back to fish for three years and wanted to add something new to their usual most-fish, biggest-fish competition at the lodge on the evening of their arrival. The competition was that each individual would learn the basic skills of fly tying and then tie two flies that they must fish with on the first day’s outing.
The class was put together by one of the Two Rivers Emporium guides, Eric Oram, who also teaches a fly-tying activities class in the local high school. Fifteen-year-old Jesse McGettrick and Jamie Lovette were taken on as assistant instructors for the special class. They both are excellent fly tiers and have their work featured in the Two Rivers Emporium shop in Pinedale.
Two Rivers Emporium manager, Mike Kaul, said the fly tying class is part of their effort to foster the growth of locally tied flies that work well in their fishing venue. He said both youth enjoy tying flies and are developing skills above some of the most experienced tiers.
For more information contact Two Rivers Emporium at 307-367-4131 or 1-800-329-4353, or email 2rivers@wyoming.com.
Thank you to Mike Kaul, Two Rivers Emporium in Pinedale, and Dan Abrashoff, The Lodge at Jackson Fork Ranch in Bondurant, for their contributions to this article.