Commissioner forum
(L to R): Joel Bousman (Republican, incumbent), Courtney Skinner (Democrat), Andy Nelson (Republican, incumbent). Photo by Terry Allen.

Sheriff forum
(Left to Right): Stephen Haskell, and challengers Brian Sparks and Scott Winer. Photo by Terry Allen.

County Clerk forum
Write-in candidate Michelle Hosler (left) and incumbent Mary Lankford (right). Photo by Terry Allen.
Listen to the Candidate Forum – audio files available
General Election candidates for Sublette County Commissioners, Sheriff, and County Clerk
by Pinedale Online!
October 30, 2014
General Election candidates for Sublette County Commissioners, Sheriff, and County Clerk
Audio files are available for the Candidate Forum that was held on Tuesday, October 28th in Pinedale. The forum featured candidates for the contested races of Sublette County Commissioner (2 seats open), Sublette County Sheriff, and Sublette County Clerk.
The Sublette County Commissioner race featured incumbents Joel Bousman (R) and Andy Nelson (R) along with Democratic challenger Courtney Skinner. Click on this link to listen to that forum. Commissioner forum audio (46:17 minutes, 8.15 MB mp3)
The Sublette County Sheriff race had Republican nominee Stephen Haskell, and two challengers, Brian Sparks and Scott Winer. Click on this link to listen: Sheriff forum audio file (39:37 minutes, 6.97MB mp3)
The Sublette County Clerk race had Republican incumbents Mary Lankford and write-in Independent challenger Michelle Hosler. Click on this link to listen: County Clerk forum audio file (24:10 minutes, 4.25MB mp3)
This candidate forum was sponsored by KPIN 101.1 FM Radio, Pinedale Online, the Pinedale Roundup, and Sublette Examiner. MC for the forum was Bob Rule, owner of KPIN 101.1 FM radio, which broadcast the forum live during the event. Question askers were Ned Donovan, representing the two newspapers and Debbie Vickrey representing KPIN Radio. Dawn Ballou with Pinedale Online monitored online question submissions during the forum and did set up and refreshments. Helpers included Duke Edwards and Michael Anderson as radio broadcast technicians, Clint Gilchrist doing question compiling, and Sarah Murdock as timer/sign signaler, and Meghan Neher/Pinedale Roundup/Sublette Examiner for event planning and advertising. Special thanks to the Pinedale Library for the use of the Lovatt Room and for stage set-up, and to Terry Allen for photography.