Retardant Drop
One of the last retardant drops on the Cliff Creek Fire on Sunday evening, July 17, 2016. Bridger-Teton National Forest photo.

Suggested detour routes
WYDOT map modified by Pinedale Online. Detours require going around the Wyoming Range or Wind River Mountains via either Lander or Cokeville/Alpine.

Cliff Creek Fire
Evening of Sunday, July 17, 2016. Photo courtesy Bridger-Teton National Forest.

View from Jackson Hole
View from the top of the tram at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Photo courtesy U.S. Forest Service.

Stopped at Daniel Jct
Traffic headed north on US 189/191 has been stopped at Daniel Junction. Photo by Dave Bell.
Evacuations underway for the Cliff Creek Fire near Bondurant, Wyoming
by Bridger-Teton National Forest
Original posts Sunday, July 17, 2016 | Updated Monday, July 18, 2016
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10:00PM Update, Sunday, July 17: Evacuations from the Elkhorn and west. Everyone else is staying put. Only one structure has been lost, a pole barn that was in the path of the fire right where it jumped the road. U.S. 189/191 is closed from Daniel Junction north to Stinking Springs at the north end of Hoback Canyon. Highway expected to be closed until at least 8AM Monday morning. ______________________________________________
9:30PM Update, Sunday, July 17: Cliff Creek Fire burns 2,200 acres near Bondurant The Bridger-Teton National Forest and Interagency firefighters, have been fighting the Cliff Creek Fire, 5 miles north of Bondurant, Wyoming. The fire was reported at 2:30pm this afternoon and is currently 2200-acres.
A Type 2 Incident Management Team has been ordered and will arrive on the Forest on Monday at 6:00pm. They will assume control of the fire at that time and manage it for the Forest. The Forest calls for the help of a Type 2 Incident Management team when a fire extends beyond the capabilities for local control by the Forest and it is expected to last for several days.
One pole barn was burned in this fire. No other structures have been lost.
Evacuations are in effect for the Bondurant residences west of the Elk Horn Bar & Grill, commonly known as the Dell Creek area. No other residences are evacuated. The Cliff Creek Drainage and the Forest's Kozy Campground have been evacuated. Highway 191/89 between Daniel Junction, Wyoming and Hoback Junction, Wyoming is closed due to the fire. The fire is burning on both sides of the highway and there is thick smoke In the area impeding visibility.
The fire has been growing to the north and east, moving towards the Granite creek drainage. Firefighters ordered aircraft to attack the fire. Helicopters dropped buckets of water on the flames and a large aircraft dropped fire retardant on the ridgelines to slow the spread of the blaze.
(Another fire) The Deer Ridge Fire is burning 5.6 miles north of the Cliff Creek fire and is currently reported at 1.5 acres. That fire is not expected to merge with the Cliff Creek Fire tonight.
For information visit http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4865/ ____________________________________
7:40PM Update, Sunday, July 17: The Red Cross Shelter has been moved to the Wrangler Gym in Pinedale. The fire is reported at 1,000 acres and was started by lightning. ______________________________________
7:00PM Update, Sunday, July 17: The American Red Cross has opened the Pinedale Middle School at 227 Hennick Street in Pinedale for people evacuated due to the Cliff Creek US 189/191 is closed between Daniel Junction and Hoback Junction, Wyoming. Firefighters are actively fighting the fire on both sides of the highway.
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Click here for Cliff Creek Fire updates on Inciweb. _________________________________
Bondurant, Wyoming, July 17, 2016, 6:30PM: Firefighters have closed US 191/89 approximately 5 miles north of Bondurant, Wyoming. Some structures in Bondurant have been evacuated. The Forest's Cliff Creek road had hikers and campers in the area, and Forest Law Enforcement has safely evacuated those recreationists. Additionally, teh Forest's Kozy Campground has been evacuated due to the threat from the Cliff Creek Fire. _________________________________________
Bondurant, Wyoming July 17, 2016, 5:45PM – The Black Powder Guest Ranch and one house on the north side of Highway 191 have already been evacuated. Firefighters are in the process of evacuating campers in the area. Highway 89/191 is closed north of Bondurant, Wyoming due to heavy smoke and active fire jumping over the highway. One structure, a barn, has already been lost to the fire. There is no estimate for when the highway will reopen.
Objectives for the fire are to provide for public and firefighter safety, and to battle the blaze and try to keep the fire north of Cliff Creek.
The fire is working its way up Game Hill traveling towards Shoal Creek and is established on both sides of the highway.
Resources on scene include seven engines from Sublette County, two engines and a helicopter from Teton Interagency Fire. Resources on order include a Type 2 Incident Management Team, a Type 1 hotshot crew, and a Type 1 helicopter.
The fire was discovered on the Bridger-Teton National Forest at 2:30pm Sunday July 17, approximately 5 miles north of the town of Bondurant Wyoming.
Interagency firefighters are working to suppress the fire, which is burning in thick, continuous fire and is torching groups of trees. Group torching is when a stand of trees become engulfed in fire and all burn up at the same time, causing large flames in the treetops. In one hour the Cliff Creek fire grew from 5 acres to 15 acres.
Visit http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4865/ for more Information. ______________________________________
Cliff Creek Fire on burning near Bondurant, Wyoming Bondurant, Wyoming, July 17, 2016, 4:00PM – Today (Sunday, July 17, 2016), the Cliff Creek fire was discovered on the Bridger-Teton National Forest at 2:30pm. The fire was reported approximately 5 miles north of the town of Bondurant Wyoming.
Interagency firefighters are working to suppress the fire. In one hour the Cliff Creek fire grew from 5 acres to 15 acres. Firefighters have closed Highway 89/191 north of Bondurant, Wyoming due to heavy smoke and active fire jumping over the highway.
The fire is burning in think, continuous fire and is torching groups of trees. Group torching is when a stand of trees become engulfed in fire and all burn up at the same time, causing large flames In the treetops.
The Bridger-Teton has ordered a Type 1 firefighting crew and a Type 1 helicopter. Visit http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4865/ for more Information.