Lapita Frewin
Native American crafts for children at the Museum of the Mountain Man

Rendezvous Pageant
Sunday at 1PM at the Rendezvous Grounds (adjacent to the rodeo grounds)
Green River Rendezvous Days July 7-10 in Pinedale
Meet Me on the Green
July 3, 2016
2016 Rendezvous Calendar of Events:
Thursday July 7 9AM-2PM: Rendezvous Sites Tour. Register at www.subletteboces.com Meet at the Museum of the Mountain Man at 8:30AM. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, mosquito spray. Bus leaves at 9AM sharp. Please preregister for headcount. 9AM-6PM: Vendor Street Fair Pine St. 9AM-5PM: Museum of the Mountain Man Gallery & Gift Shop Open 10AM-6PM: Traders Row open. Candy Cannon, Demonstrations all day. 3:00 – 5:00PM: American Mountain Man Encampment Setup MMM 5PM: Liars contest. Trader’s Row 4-7PM: Main Street Pinedale’s Farmer’s Market. American Legion Park 6PM-7PM: 2016 Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal Awards Reception and Social, MMM 7PM: Painting in the Park with Pinedale Art & Craft. American Legion Park 7PM: Fur Trade Panel Discussion, MMM 7PM: Rendezvous Rodeo Pinedale Rodeo Grounds
Friday July 8 8AM: Pinedale 3on3 Shootout basketball tournament. PAC 8AM: Primitive kids bow shoot, all ages, Trader’s Row 9-10AM: Mountain Man Clothing – American Mountain Man Camp MMM 9-10:30AM: Children’s Program with Lapita Frewin, MMM 9AM-5PM: Museum of the Mountain Man Gallery & Gift Shop Open 9AM-6PM: Vendor Street Fair Pine St. 10AM - 5PM: Annual "Friends of the Library" Book Sale Sub. Co. Library 10AM-6PM: Traders Row open. Candy Cannon, Demonstrations all day. 10-11AM: Indian Method of Tanning a Hide – American Mountain Men Camp MMM 10:30AM-Noon: Children’s Program with Lapita Frewin, MMM 10:30AM–1PM: Bad Hand Plains Indian Encampment, MMM 11AM – Noon: Sign Language – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 11AM-3PM: Buffalo Burgers by Pitchfork Fondue, MMM patio 1-2PM: Beaver Trapping & Skinning demonstration – American Mountain Men Camp, MMM 1-2:15PM: Children’s Program with Lapita Frewin, MMM 2PM: "Ice Cream on the Green" Social hosted by 1st American Title Co. S. Fremont Ave 2-2:30PM: "Hugh Glass – The Rest of the Story" by Clay Landry. New and overlooked data support another saga for Glass’s life – after his infamous grizzly bear encounter. Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, MMM 2:30-3PM: "’This Outrageous Desease’ – Charles Larpenteur’s Observations of the 1837 Smallpox Epidemic" by Mike Casler. Follow the course and consequences of small pox along the Missouri River in this examination based on the resurrected journal of Fort Union’s clerk. Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, MMM 2:30-3:45PM: Children’s Program with Lapita Frewin, MMM 3-3:30PM: "The Rats at Fort Clark" by Don Arp. Francis Chardon, bourgeois of Fort Clark, waged a war on rats from 1834-1839. Learn what made these vermin such a formidable adversary on the frontier. Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal 3-5PM: Bad Hand Plains Indian Encampment, MMM 4PM: Juniors games ages 11 to 18, Trader’s Row 4-5PM: Business of the Rocky Mtn Fur Trade – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 4-6PM: Kids Fishing Derby and BBQ, Boyd Skinner Town Park 5PM: Men’s primitive games. Cost $5, Trader’s Row 7PM: Rendezvous Rodeo Pinedale Rodeo Grounds Live music at the Corral Bar Pine St.
Saturday July 9: 7AM: Rendezvous Ramble. $10 donation, Pine St. 7-10AM: Rendezvous Pancake Breakfast Pinedale Community UCC 9AM: Rendezvous Pie Sale St. Andrews Episcopal Church 9AM-5PM: Museum of the Mountain Man Gallery & Gift Shop Open 9AM-6PM: Vendor Street Fair Pine St. 9-10AM: Firearms – American Mountain Men Camp, MMM 9-11AM: Children’s Programs by Lapita Frewin, MMM 10AM - 5PM: Annual "Friends of the Library" Book Sale Sub. Co. Library 10AM-6PM: Traders Row open. Candy Cannon, Demonstrations all day. 11AM: RENDEZVOUS PARADE Pine St. 11AM: World Famous Corral Bar, $5 Bloody Mary’s Pine St. 11AM-3PM: Buffalo Burgers by Pitchfork Fondue on the MMM patio, MMM Noon Strongman Competition N. Maybell 12-1PM: Knives, Tools, Accoutrements – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 1PM: Lady’s frying pan toss. Cost $5, Trader’s Row 1-3PM: Children’s Programs by Lapita Frewin, MMM 1-2PM: Beaver Trapping & Skinning demonstration – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 1:30PM: Wind River Dancers Performance,American Legion Park 2-2:30PM: "The Influence of the Fur Trade on John Sutter" by Jim Hardee. Everyone knows that the 1849 Gold Rush started Sutter’s Mill in California. But did you know that John Sutter learned from mountain men on every stop of his journey west? Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, MMM 2-3PM: "Naturalists in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Era: ‘They are a Perfect Nuisance’" by Carol Kuhn. The discovery of flora and fauna was also a business – not so different from piling up pelts. Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, MMM 3PM: Kids games ages 1 to 10. Corn cob toss, Trader’s Row 3PM: Live music with Michelle Humber at Isabel Jewelry 21 N. Franklin 3-3:30PM: "Mountain Men and the Taking of California, 1845-1847" by Larry Morris. As the fur trade waned, mountaineers played a significant role in the Mexican-American War. Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, MMM 3-4PM: Horses, Tack & Packing – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 3:30-5PM: Bad Hand Plains Indian Encampment, MMM 4-5PM: Trade goods – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 4-7PM: Jared Rogerson plays at Boondocks Pine St. 7PM: Main Street Pinedale’s Street Dance N. Maybell 7PM: Rendezvous Rodeo, Pinedale Rodeo Grounds 8PM: American Mountain Man Campfire Stories and Songs, MMM Live music at the Corral Bar, open all night Pine St. Live music at Stockman’s Bar and Lounge Pine St.
Sunday, July 10: 9AM-5PM: Vendor Street Fair Pine St. 9-5PM: Museum of the Mountain Man Gallery and Gift Shop Open 10AM: De Smet Mass in Daniel, WY, De Smet Monument 10AM: Outdoor Worship on Pine Creek St. Andrews Episcopal Church 10-11AM: Horses, Tack & Packing – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 10AM-3PM: Traders Row open. Candy Cannon. 10:30AM-12:30PM: Bad Hand Plains Indian Encampment, MMM 11AM-12PM: Mountain Man Clothing – American Mountain Man Camp, MMM 12 - 2 PM: Pinedale Lion’s Club BBQ, Pinedale Rodeo Grounds 1PM: 81ST ANNUAL GREEN RIVER RENDEZVOUS PAGEANT Pinedale Rodeo Grounds 2:30-4PM: Bad Hand Plains Indian Encampment MMM 4PM: Annual Rendezvous Beard Shaving & Calcutta Fundraiser N. Maybell