First Ride
Pilot Scott Murdock takes kids up for their first small plane ride.

Tatum and Sarah
Nylla Kunard's grand daughters admire their favorite classic car.

Mikey has done this before.
Pinedale Airport 6th Annual Fly-In
by Terry Allen
August 26, 2017
Saturday was billed as the Pinedale Airport's 6th Annual Fly-In where kids between the ages of 6 and 16 could get a free ride in a small personal aircraft.
They could also get their fill of pancakes, sausage, eggs and juice provided free by the Lions Club. While the estimated 100 kids waited for their turn to get in the air, they strolled thru the automobile collection of some of our local collectors.
Rita Donham kept the passenger flight line orderly and Bob Jones and Spenser escorted the kids to the waiting aircraft and helped them buckle in.
Callie and Cadin Windbigler and their friend Kodee Wellmeyer were able to get a ride with pilot Scott Murdock. Scott Murdock got his first ride when he was about their age and that was the ride that made up his mind to become a pilot.
Mikey in the big hat was very pleased to wear a pilot’s helmet and the headphones on his ride with Jamie.
Howard McKelrath didn't fly today, but said he'd pretty much flown every kind of plane there is at Pinedale Airport, except Billy Bob's Turbo Cirrus. Howard turns 90 in March so he has probably seen and flown planes we have never heard of.
Payton said the scariest thing about her flight was the tilting of the wings when they turned over the mountains.
Mindi Crabb said they served 280 people breakfast and you could multiply that by 1.7 times and that would give you a pretty idea how many pancakes everyone ate.
Thank you to Dawn Ballou of Pinedale Online for sponsoring this story.
Your photographer, Terry Allen: txpartisan@gmail.com ____________________________
Pinedale Airport contact information: (current as of August 26, 2017) Jim Parker Airport Manager jcparker@wyoming.com Phone: 307-360-9025 9357 Highway 191 P.O. Box 1766 Pinedale, WY 82941