Archaeology Chapter to meet Jan. 16
Introduction to the Avocational Archaeology Training Program
January 12, 2018
The Upper Green River Basin Chapter of the Wyoming Archeology Society (WAS) will be having a meeting on Tuesday, January 16th, at 6:30 pm at the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale. There will be a short business meeting followed by a presentation by the Office of Wyoming State Archaeologist (OWSA).
The presentation will be "The OWSA 2017-2018 WAS Tour: Introducing the Avocational Archaeology Training Program and the New UWAR Database and Website" by Greg Pierce, Marcia Peterson, and Marieka Arksey of OWSA. Greg Pierce is the Wyoming State Archaeologist, Marcia Peterson is the Assistant Wyoming State Archaeologist, and Marieka Arksey is the Collections Manager.
There will be a brief discussion on what OWSA is doing now and how people can get involved. Next, there will be an introduction of the new Avocational Archaeology Training Program, get feedback from the membership on what type of programs they would like, and discuss the two programs that will debut for the 2018 field season. Finally, there will be an introduction of the new UWAR database and website that will be launched beginning in 2018, discuss the content that will be available through the online access, and get feedback from the membership on what content they want to be able to see and any concerns they may have about the new system. Everyone is welcome. Please invite your friends.
Attention members: Dues for 2018 membership are due by end of March. Dues are $20/Individual, $25/Family. If you would like to be a member, please bring payment to the January or February meeting, or print and mail the membership form ( along with your dues. Membership dues help support WAS efforts at the state and local level including paying travel for speakers to come here to give presentations. For more information contact Clint Gilchrist, Secretary/Treasurer UGRB Chapter WAS,