Old sign
The big wooden sign was 50 years old.

New sign
The large wooden sign has been replaced with a 6' x 10' clear acrylic panel that lets visitors get out of the wind and see the expansive view of the historic rendezvous grounds. Two interpretive panels in front give the history.
Re-dedication of the Trappers Point Overlook historic site July 12
June 30, 2018
The Sublette County Historical Society is excited to announce the completion of upgrades to the Trappers Point Overlook. The 10-acre historic site overlooks the historic rendezvous grounds of the early 1800s Rocky Mountain fur trade. Six of the 16 rendezvous were held in the Upper Green near Daniel, Wyoming. The renovations to the historic site include installation of seven new historic interpretive signs, three large rock benches, rehabbing the steep trail with new rustic steps, adding gravel for erosion control, and replacing a large wooden sign with a 6x10 foot see-through clear panel sign that allows a window-like view of the historic rendezvous grounds. Funding for the site renovation was through private donations and grants.
A 50th anniversary re-dedication ceremony will take place on Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:00am at Trappers Point. This will kick off the Green River Rendezvous Days living history programs for the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale. Fur trade historian Jim Hardee will discuss the historic Green River Rendezvous. State Representative Albert Sommers will talk about the Green River Drift cattle operations, and former Wyoming State Archeologist Mark Miller will describe the significance of the nearby Trappers Point pronghorn archeology site.
A free bus, sponsored by Sublette BOCES, will leave the Museum of the Mountain Man at 9:30am Thursday morning for those who would prefer not to drive up to the historic site. Registration for the bus is recommended and available online at http://www.subletteboces.com/classes/. The site is located 5 miles west of Pinedale on the East Green River road, on the south side of the Cora junction with WY 352. The turn-off into the historic site is through the elk fence on the two-track dirt road through the cattle sorting grounds on the south side of the highway, then up the hill. Parking on top is limited – carpooling is recommended. The public is invited to attend the rededication ceremony and check out the new renovations to the historic monument. For more information, contact the Museum of the Mountain Man, 307-367-4101.