Aubree Corona
Aubree is 28 year old, 5'8" tall, 194 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. She has been missing since July 15, 2019. If you have information about her or the vehicle, please contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4378.

Chevy Avalanche
(Picture shown is not actual vehicle.) Aubree Coronoa was last seen in a 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche, license plate 4-21717 with a motorcycle in the back. If you have information about her or the vehicle, please contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4378.
MISSING PERSON: Aubree Shanae Corona
Last seen at New Fork Lake on Saturday, July 13, 2019
July 16, 2019
The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reports that Aubree Corona, 28, of Green River has been missing since Saturday, July 13th. She was camping with friends in the New Fork Lake area and reportedly got turned around when going on an errand and ended up on the Dubois side of Union Pass. She was supposed to be returning to camp, but never arrived. She was last seen in a dark gray 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche, Wyoming truck license plate 4-21717, with a motorcycle in the back. If you have seen her or the vehicle, or have any information about this case, please contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office at 307-367-4378.