Letter from Sublette Commission Chairman Burnett
by David Burnett MD, Chairman, Sublette County Commission
March 24, 2020
Dear citizens of Sublette County, The Board of County Commissioners has been working closely with our COVID-19 response team collectively, and individually with public health, our county health officer, clinic staff, EMS, law-enforcement, and members of our Sublette county unified fire department.
The commissioners resolution passed today will ensure that Sublette county government will continue to provide services to the public while minimizing public interaction during this COVID-19 pandemic. We will conduct regular business solely through mail, email, video conferencing, and telephone except my appointment.
Access to the offices, fire halls, and facilities of Sublette county, including the courthouse will be limited to conducting regular business with the public by employees. The Sublette county courthouse will remain open to provide essential services to the extent required by the Wyoming Supreme Court and local judges. The Sublette county sheriffs office will continue to operate as deemed necessary by the sheriff.
The Board of County Commissioners have supported a leave policy encouraging employees who have COVID-19 disease symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to stay at home so that they do not infect other employees or members of the public, and for department heads and elected officials to encourage county employees to work remotely from home to the extent possible in an effort to reduce the risk of disease transmission through isolation and social distancing.
The Board of County Commissioners has declared a state of emergency for Sublette County. While we have no COVID-19 cases in Sublette county, our neighboring counties of Teton and Fremont have reported multiple cases. This declaration will facilitate funding streams from FEMA and other Federal government agencies.
This rapidly evolving outbreak of the COVID-19 virus will require much public sacrifice to slow the rate of transmission. It is not about preventing illness but slowing the rate at which people become sick. The speed at which the outbreak plays out matters hugely for its consequences. We need unity of purpose.
If we all sacrifice and are vigilant we can impede the transmission of this virus.
We need your commitment to practice good hygiene by frequent handwashing, covering your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze, avoid touching your face, practice social distancing of more than 6 feet, stay at home if showing any signs of illness, and considering self-quarantine if you had traveled to areas with an increase of reported cases of Covid-19.
Your county has been working for you, we need you to work for your county. We need your commitment to sacrifice.
Thank you, David Burnett MD Chairman Sublette County Commission