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Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > Pinedale Town Council Special Meeting July 31

Town of Pinedale. Photo by Town of Pinedale.
Town of Pinedale
Pinedale Town Council Special Meeting July 31
July 31, 2024

Mayor Matt Murdock has called a Special Meeting of the Pinedale Town Council to be held Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 12:15 p.m. in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall, 205 Entertainment Lane. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss an airport terminal funding grant application and to approve Brownfields access agreements. There will also be an Executive Session to discuss real estate (No action will be taken). Full Agenda here. For more information, please visit

Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > Pinedale Town Council Special Meeting July 31

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