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Pinedale Wyoming Local News

Ask Flora—Spring 2025 (posted 3/24/2025)
Sublette Democrats meeting March 27 (posted 3/23/2025)
Public hearing for Emerson School National Register nomination March 25 (posted 3/23/2025)
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – March 22, 2025 (posted 3/22/2025)
The Little Mermaid (posted 3/21/2025)
Blood Draw in Marbleton April 8 & 9 (posted 3/20/2025)
Hardhats & Stetsons raises funds for renovation of historic Texaco building in Big Piney (posted 3/18/2025)

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March 27: Sublette County Democratic Party Central Committee Meeting and Party Reorganization - From 7 pm - 9 pm in the Lovatt Room at the Sublette
County Library. Everyone is welcome.

March 28: Art of the Winds Spring Open House - Featuring guest artist Beth Booth and her wearable works. Friday from 3-7PM, with drinks and Hors d’oeuvres. Art in the Winds is an artist collaborative located at 432 W Pine St in Pinedale, next to Wind River Brewing Co. Beth’s works will be on exhibit through April. The gallery also has many other art works on display and for sale by other local artists.
March 28: Deadline to file for Town of Big Piney Municipal offices - Election will be on May 13th. Election for two Town Council seats (4-year terms). All municipal officers are non-partisan and must be qualified electors residing within the municipality. Deadline to file for an application is 4PM on Friday, March 28th.
March 29: Deadline for filing to run in Town of Marbleton Municipal Elections - Election for Mayor (4-year term), two Council seats (4-year term). Elections will be held on Tuesday, May 13th. Must be a resident of Marbleton to vote and to run for office. Deadline for candidate filing is 5:00PM today. Applications may be obtained for the Town Clerk, Marbleton Town Hall. All municipal officers are nonpartisan, must be qualified electors residing in the municipality.
March 29: High Altitude Farmers Market - From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.
March 29: Tits & Giggles - Breast cancer fundraiser for Rebecca Doyle. Starts at 3PM at the Senior Center in Marbleton. Benefit dinner, silent auction, raffle, photo booth. Cash bar, $15 Navjo tacos. DJ Slim Bob. Please contact Meghan Doyle for any donations, 307-231-5019.
March 30 to April 5: Spring Break for Pinedale students - White Pine Ski Area open daily (snow permitting)
More info: www.whitepinewyoming.com, 307-307-6606

Scenic Wyoming Photos

Scenic photos by Dave Bell

Photos by Dave Bell


Gas Prices
March 15, 2025
Big Piney2.899
Regular unleaded average.
WY & US provided by AAA.

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Pinedale Local News

Ask Flora—Spring 2025 (posted 3/24/2025)
Sage & Snow Garden Club
Dear Flora,
I recently purchased seeds from my favorite seed catalog. I am wondering if you could give me some tips on when to start planting?
Thanks so much,
Paisley Plante
Dear Paisley,
The short answer is—it depends. You will need to determine whether your seeds can be directly sown outdoors or if plants need to be started indoors and transplanted later to their garden location.
Direct Seeding Types—lettuce, spinach, carrots, peas, beets, potatoes, green beans, kale, turnips, cilantro, arugula, onion sets.
Indoor Seed Starting/Transplanted Later Types—broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, onion seeds, basil, parsley.
According to local gardeners, June 15th is generally considered to be the last frost date here in Sublette County. Some direct seeding before this date works well for cool weather crops but most transplants need to be planted after any threat of frost is past.
Seed starting date schedules are the best guides to help us be successful. Local gardener, Arlinda McLaughlin, has an extensive list that she is willing to share for both direct seeding and indoor seeding timing (see contact information at the end of this article).
A great resource from Fairbanks, Alaska, is the ‘Frosty Garden’ website-- https://frostygarden.com/. As it turns out, Sublette County has similar growing conditions as interior Alaska (can you believe that?)—check out the wealth of information here.
Another excellent resource is www.johnnyseeds.com/growers-library/seed-planting-schedule-calculator.html. This site lists seed starting dates based on your last frost-free date.

Dear Flora,
I want to start growing my own plants from seed indoors this spring to transplant out in my garden when the weather warms up. Can you share your best tips on seed starting indoors?
Grateful for any info--
Frosty Soleil
Dear Frosty,
I would love to share some tips with you! We learned some great tips for seed starting at the Tomato Growing class recently held at BOCES:
- Gather needed tools—seedling trays, pots (3.5—5.5 inch), humidity domes, heating mat for germination, LED full-spectrum lights, fixture to raise and lower lights.
- Start with quality seed starting mix made for this purpose (or make your own of coco coir, peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, worm castings).
- Plant one or two seeds per seedling tray cell. You can trim off one plant after germination with scissors. Make sure to label as you sow seeds!
- Fun new idea—try planting seeds using the "seed snail" method. Use long narrow piece of burlap or thin sheet of packing foam, spread soil along its length, roll up like a jelly roll, and plant seeds into the top of the snail. When ready to plant, unroll and carefully remove plants from the snail to plant in larger pots or directly into garden beds. See website for more details— https://kowalskimountain.com/seed-snail-growing-method/
Use a seed starting schedule—April 15th is about the right time here to start broccoli, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, and onion seed for transplanting outdoors after the last frost (mid-June). Summer squash, cucumbers, and corn should be started indoors around May 15th.
Add a breeze to boost strength in your plants. Start by brushing over your plants with your hand to stimulate stockier, less leggy growth. As plants mature, add a fan at the lowest setting for an hour a day to strengthen plants.Water—seedlings are fragile. Use a spray water bottle to mist soil until seeds emerge. Then, gently water plants with room temperature water with a small pitcher. Use a liquid fertilizer with an NPK of 2-3-2 at ¼ strength to fertilize baby plants every ten days to two weeks. Transplant to larger pots as your plants grow. For tomatoes, bury the stem deeply with just the top leaves above the soil to promote root growth.
Hardening off seedlings is so important! This process should take about two weeks to complete as you gradually introduce seedlings to "real life" outside. See Frostygardener.com blog for a complete guide of recommendations.
Protect those precious seedlings even after transplanting into their permanent locations. Grow caps, milk jugs, wall-o-waters, or any type of wind/frost protection will help keep your plants growing strong.

Dear Flora,
I would love to learn more about gardening in Sublette County. Does the garden club have any upcoming activities that I could participate in?
Ever Grateful,
Sage Snow
Dear Sage,
The Sage and Snow Garden Club welcomes gardeners, from novice to expert, to join our club to learn more about successful techniques and plants that grow in Sublette County. We have many club activities coming up this summer—flower barrel plantings, water-wise garden maintenance, garden tour, and other educational opportunities.

For more information or to ask questions for our next Ask Flora column, go to our website at https://www.sageandsnowgardenclub.org/ or contact Arlinda McLaughlin, Master Gardener at 307-231-9402.

Sublette Democrats meeting March 27 (posted 3/23/2025)
The Sublette County Democratic Party will be having a Central
Committee Meeting and Party Reorganization on Thursday, March
27th, from 7 pm - 9 pm in the Lovatt Room at the Sublette
County Library. Everyone is welcome.

Historic Emerson School
Historic Emerson School
Public hearing for Emerson School National Register nomination March 25 (posted 3/23/2025)
Public invited to attend and make comments
Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
The Sublette County Historic Preservation Board-Certified Local Government, has submitted a proposal to have the Emerson School in rural Sublette County be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The public is invited to attend a public hearing to give comments about the proposal at 3:00PM on Tuesday, March 25th at the Board’s regular monthly meeting in the board room of the Sublette County Library in Pinedale.

The Emerson School is a one-room log building constructed in about 1909 on rural ranchland located approximately 20 miles southeast of Boulder, Wyoming. The school served students from nearby ranches for 45 years, from 1914 to 1959. It was one of the County’s longer and later operating one-room schools.

The remote Emerson School was administered by Fremont County until 1923 when Sublette County was formed. Records indicate that the school accommodated between one and eighteen students in its single room in any given year. A total of thirty-four teachers and 64 different students have been identified as associated with the institution over the decades. In addition to being a classroom for first through eighth grade education activities, the Emerson schoolhouse was also utilized by local residents as a community center, being the site of dances, community meetings and religious education (Sunday school).

What is now Sublette County once had many such similar one-room rural schoolhouses serving nearby ranching families. But, today, nearly all have collapsed, disappeared, or lie on private land, some still serving as storage sheds on area ranches. Another of the few remaining school house structures in Sublette County, the Sommers-Price school, was moved and was restored as part of the restored and preserved buildings of the Green River Valley Museum in Big Piney. Few one-room schoolhouses exist today in their original locations in the nation, especially in settings similar to what things looked like when that school was in operation.

In 2023, a documentary was made about the Emerson School. The half-hour long film was researched and created by filmmaker Brooks Mitchell. In creating material for the production, he interviewed four former students (Gary Jensen, Laura Jensen, Chris Jensen Sundstrom, Glenna Grinder Johnson), along with a former teacher (Evelyn Evans Lohman), and local historian Jonita Sommers. (One Room Life Lessons)

In 1959, the decommissioned school building was left on private land on an area ranch and used for various purposes. The building was later lovingly restored back to its original schoolroom purpose by landowner Claire Faler and subsequently donated to the Sublette County Historical Society in 2020 so it could be preserved into the future. Physically, it is in excellent condition, and its interior is furnished with period furniture and books.

As part of the National Register nomination process, the Sublette County Historic Preservation Board and Sublette County Historical Society welcome any information from any former students, teachers or their families or friends regarding the time this school was in operation.

After the public hearing, the nomination will move forward to the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, and if approved, then on to the national office for consideration. For more information, please attend the public hearing at the Pinedale Library on March 25th or contact Sublette County Historic Preservation Board President, Clint Gilchrist, by email at clint@sublette.com or by phone at the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, 307-367-4101.

Related Links:
Documentary on Emerson Schoolhouse Sept. 7th Pinedale Online! September 6, 2023
One Room Life Lessons Brooks Mitchell documentary on the Emerson School
Wyoming's Legacy Of One-Room Schoolhouses Preserved In Big Piney at the Green River Valley Museum Cowboy State Daily, September 10, 2023
Sublette County Historic Preservation Board – Certified Local Government (CLG)

See links for higher resolution versions of ski trail maps
See links for higher resolution versions of ski trail maps
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – March 22, 2025 (posted 3/22/2025)
Mike Looney, Groomer
Saturday, March 22, 9:30AM: Half Moon Tie-In, Kelly Park, Kelly Tie-In, Lower Surveyor, Powerline, Upper Surveyor, Flatline, Heart Attack, Aspen and Pine Marten have been groomed this morning. There’s a couple of inches of new snow and it is snowing. Currently 23F degrees at the equipment building. The road has not yet been plowed.
This Nordic ski trail grooming report is courtesy of the Sublette County Recreation Board.

Related Links:
www.sublettetrails.org Additional information on winter and summer trail recreation in Sublette County, including maps and requested trail etiquette
White Pine-Kelly Park Ski Trail Map - (10.3MB PDF)
CCC Ponds Ski Trail Map - (1.84MB PDF)
Road and Weather links
www.visitpinedale.org Pinedale tourism website (links to lodging, dining, area information)
www.whitepinewyoming.com White Pine Resort, 307-367-6606, (Nearby alpine skiing, food services, restroom)
href="http://www.greatoutdoorshop.com">www.greatoutdoorshop.com The Great Outdoor Shop, 307-367-2440
www.sublettechamber.com Local businesses & services, 307-367-2242
www.golfpinedale.com Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course (Additional Nordic ski trails, food services, restroom)

The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid (posted 3/21/2025)
Pinedale High School production
Pinedale Online!
Pinedale High School put on the Disney play "The Little Mermaid" Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 19-21, 2025, in the Sheppard Auditorium in Pinedale. The play is based on the Hans Christian Anderson story and the Disney film. The colorful performance was the culmination of months of work and rehearsals by the cast, crew, and many volunteers.

Little Mermaid Cast:
Ariel: Adelle Asay
Ursula: Hadlee Francis
Prince Eric: Reece Woolwine
Flotsom: Anna Wexels
Grimsby: Canon Cenac
Jetsam: Emery Harmon
King Triton/Chef 3: Wyatt Hyde
Sebastian: Kyle Donaldson
Scuttle: Reuben Allen
Flounder: Hannah Kaiser
Windward: Eden Yates
Leeward/Princess 3: Teagan Fildey
Pilot/Fish/Seagull/Chef Louis: Otis Leninger
Aquata/Fish: Evalyn Smith
Andrina/Fish/Ariel Understudy/Princess 2: Honor Hadfield
Artista/Fish: Roxi Melinkovich
Atina/Fish/Ursula Understudy: Delaney Day
Adella/Fish/Chef 6: Emily Smith
Alana/Fish: Anndee Covill
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Chef 1: Aiden Harris
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Chef 2: Aiden Fabelina
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Chef 4: Gavin Erickson
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Chef 5: Phenix Louvat
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Chef 7: Whittaker Noble
Sailor/Fish/Seagull/Maid: Mya Avila
Sailor/Fish/Seagull: Emma Liske
Fish/Maid 3/Princess 5: Maegan Daniels
Fish/Maid 2: Eliana Rivezzo
Fish/Maid 3/Princess 6: Miranda Bousman
Fish/Maid 3: Victoria Gutierrez
Fish/Maid 4/ Princess 4: Makenna Hansen
Fish/Maid 2/ Princess 1: Addison Davis
Fish/Maid 1: Jocei Helm
Fish: Juniper Dale
Sailor/Fish: Matty Lea
Sailor/Fish: Isabelle Seiler
Choral: Gregory Allen
Band: Justin Smith

Click on this link for more pictures: The Little Mermaid.

Blood Draw in Marbleton April 8 & 9 (posted 3/20/2025)
Sublette County Public Health in cooperation with Wyoming Health Fairs is excited to announce dates for our 2025 Spring Marbleton & Big Piney Community/School Health Fair Blood Draw.

Marbleton/Big Piney Health Fair Blood Draw:
Tuesday, April 8th 6—10 AM
Wednesday, April 9th 6—10AM

Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Center
429 East 1st Street
Marbleton, WY 83113

Appointments appreciated—walk-ins welcome. Please schedule your appointment at https://wyominghealthfairs.com/appointments (Click on Yellow Marbleton Dot) or call Public Health at 307-367-2157 for assistance with registration.

Continued Services with Wyoming Health Fairs:
• Expanded list of blood screenings available—see flyers for tests & pricing (flyers available at the Public Health Office, Senior Center, or online at our Public Health webpage https://www.sublettecountywy.gov/179/Public-Health—look under quick links WHF Blood Draw Flyer.
• Wyoming Health Fairs is now accepting BCBS, Mountain Health Co-Op, & Cigna Insurance. Call WHF for more information.
• Wyoming Health Fairs accepts all forms of payment—check, credit/debit cards, HSA. WHF will prepare an itemized bill for you to submit to insurance for reimbursement.
• WHF cannot bill Medicare (or your Medicare supplement insurance plan).
• Online results within 3—5 days, mailed results within 10—14 days.

Ongoing Benefits:
• Low cost blood screenings
• Local volunteers/local event
• Community breakfast
• Proceeds benefit local community programs through Public Health Nursing and the Southwest Sublette County Pioneer Senior Center.
• Please call Public Health Nursing at 307-367-2157 for more information.

Historic Texaco building in Big Piney
Hardhats & Stetsons raises funds for renovation of historic Texaco building in Big Piney (posted 3/18/2025)
Pinedale Online!
The Green River Valley Museum held their annual Hardhats & Stetsons fundraiser event at the Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Center in Marbleton on Saturday, March 15th, 2025. Dave Stephens served as auctioneer for the event. Refreshments were served, and the Boulder Bar was on hand for adult beverages. Items and gift baskets were generously donated by members of the community in support of the Museum. There was also a silent auction with more items to add to the options.

With the funds raised during the evening, the Museum neared their goal of their challenge grant from the Wyoming Community Foundation, which is matching the funds raised. They are able to make up the final amount with additional donations and counting many hours of volunteer time towards the project.

The Green River Valley Museum received the old Texaco building as a generous donation from Alan J. Blackburn of Direct Vacations in 2020. In years past, the building, which is located directly across the street from the Museum in Big Piney, was once a Texaco gas station and a public library, among other things. The building was in pretty rough shape, so the Museum has spent the past several years working on repairs to the roof, interior and exterior and remodeling it for their needs. Once fixed up and renovated, it will have ample space to hold pieces of their rolling stock wagons and equipment, new exhibits, much-needed storage, and also have space for a new south-county Visitor Center.

The Green River Valley Museum is open seasonally during the summer months. Admission is by donation. For anyone who would like to donate to the Museum or this project, please contact Museum Director Clarica Johnson at 307-276-5343, or email director@grvm.com, or visit their website or GoFundMe page at the links below.

Related Links:
Restoring the historic Texaco building
Green River Valley Museum Texaco Building Restoration Project GoFundMe page
www.grvm.com Museum website
GRVM Facebookpage

Local Services:
Abortion Alternatives
Accounting & CPA
Arts & Entertainment

Attorneys & Legal
Auction Services
Aviation Services
Banks & Financial
Beauty Salons
Bed & Breakfasts
Builders & Contractors
Building Material
Business Services
Child Care
Cleaning Services
Commercial Art
Computer Supplies
Convenience Stores/Fuel
Dry Cleaning
Fabric & Crafts

Food & Drink
Funeral Homes
Graphic Design
Grocery & Market
Guest Ranches & Lodges
Handyman Services
Hardware & Feed
Health Care & Medical
Horseback Adventures
Interior Design
Liquor Stores
Log Homes
Massage Therapy
Modular Homes
Mountain Biking
Movie Theaters
Office Supplies
Oil Field Services
Outdoor Equipment
Outfitters & Guides
Packaging & Shipping
Pet Stores
Professional Services
Real Estate Agencies
Real Estate-FSBO
RV Camping
Septic Services
Snow Plowing
Storage and Storage Units
Tattoos & Body Art
Tax Preparation Services
Trash Services
Visitor Services
Wagon Rides
Well Drilling

Current views from area web cameras. Travel and Weather info here.

WYDOT Web Cam on US 191 by Trappers Point, between Pinedale and Daniel
US 191 at Cora

WYDOT Web Cam on US 189 north of Marbleton at the junction with Hwy 351  - view looking south
US 189 north of Marbleton - View looking south

WYDOT Web Cam on US 191 at Farson
US 191 at Farson

See WYDOT for current road condition reports




Pinedale Online!
www.pinedaleonline.com       www.pinedale.com
Pinedale Online! PO Box 2250, Pinedale, WY 82941
Phone/Text: 307-360-7689 Fax: 307-367-2864

We are located in Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S. Sublette Ave.

For more information about Sublette County and towns near Pinedale,
visit our Sublette.com and BigPiney.com websites.

Pinedale Local and Pinedale Online are designed and maintained by Wind River Web Services LLC in Pinedale, Wyoming. News stories are contributed by members of the community. Our office is located in Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S Sublette Ave. We welcome story contributions by anyone from the community about upcoming events. Credits: Photos by Pinedale Online unless otherwise credited. We welcome photo contributions, especially for the Pinedale Local top picture and "Out and About" photo gallery. To submit photos, please send as high resolution photo as available (preferably larger than 1000 pixels on horizontal dimension.) Top header photos should have a narrow horizontal element that can be extracted to fit the banner space. Pinedale Online/Wind River Web Services LLC also owns and maintains the Sublette.com and BigPiney.com companion sites. All site content is copyright 2022. Photos, graphics and written content may not be used without advance permission from Pinedale Online/Wind River Web Services LLC. Please contact us for more information or questions about using content found on our site, support@pinedaleonline.com, 307-360-7689. If you find any broken links on our site, please let us know. Thank you for visiting us!

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